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The weird thing was that we were just talking about what we would do if one of us died before... What happened to Charlie, happened.

I remember Charlie saying that he didn't want people to be sad, he wanted them to be happy and live their life normally with only remembering him for the funny and weird stuff he did.

So that's why we all decided to get together and have fun.
By that I mean get together and get really drunk and forget about everything for a day...

No one has talked about what happened to Charlie or how it happened but we all know he was poisoned by the food but what we don't know is who did it?

But some questions are better left unanswered... If that question was to be answered it might tear us all apart and if we're going to spend a lot If time together, I would rather get along with them rather than hating them.

I watched as Rae and Poki grabbed as much alcohol as the could carry and placed it on the table.
I'm surprised that they let us bring alcohol on the ship... But I was thankful none the less.

I grabbed a small bottle of (insert alcohol that Sykkuno drinks coz idk) and opened it, taking a sip.

It didn't take me much to get drunk so I decided to drink slowly.
I saw everyone else walk in and go straight for the alcohol, which I expected them to do.

I sat at the normal table with everyone else but when I looked around I got sad once I noticed the empty chair.

I took another sip from my drink trying to forget about everything.

Corpse saw my sadness and sat in the empty chair which gave everyone a surprise since he doesn't normally sit with us.

I send a small smile in his direction and he just nodded in return.

"Fuck this shite," Jack said before standing up, downing his cup of whatever alcohol and went over and grabbed more.

"Jack, you should slow down" I mumble trying to help him.

"No, Sykkuno, you should hurry up" he replied and passed me a bottle of vodka.
I looked at the bottle and then back at jack.

"Frick it" I mumbled and took a small swig out If the bottle, pulling away straight after to pull a disgusted face which made a few people laugh.

I pushed the bottle away from me after that deciding that I would only take a few sips and went back to my original bottle.

"So? What do we do now?" Poki asked.

"Um, we could play a game or something?" Lily suggested and everyone seemed to nod.

"Oh! Truth or Dare! I wanna get to know you all more" Rae shouted with a smile on her face. How was she already tipsy?

In response she got a few groans of annoyance and some nods "Don't care what you all say, we're playing!" She said and glanced around the table looking tor her first victim.

"Michael, truth or dare," she said as her eyes locked onto Michael and she stared with mischievousness in her eyes.

"Truth," Micheal said making Rae groan.

"Tell us your biggest fear" Micheal looked at her with a surprised face before nodding.

"Losing the people I love..." His words trailed off as he looked towards Lily and gave her a sad smile.

Everything was silent for a while before Poki tried to make us all happy again.

"Truth or dare, Toast!" She asked with a grin on her face but a devilish look in her eyes.

The Broken Person Among Us - CorpsexSykkunoWhere stories live. Discover now