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"Sir, should we start with Charlie?" I turned around and saw Leslie standing behind me.

"Yes, start operation imposter," I reply and she quickly walks back to her desk, typing furiously on her keyboard.

I went back to looking into the cameras.

They had all seemed to have gotten into pairs...
The Fire (Rae) and The Debater (Poki). We expected that one, the fire would've most likely have bonded with the person who thought the most calmly and rationally.

The Leader (Felix) and The Adventurer (Jack). Was also expected since the leader always tries to keep the most out of control one closest to them.

The Thinker (Micheal) and The Follower (Lily). Thet pairing was unusual, the thinker generally doesn't like the follower because they can be unconfident and timid.

The Brains (Toast) and The Clown (Charlie) haven't paired up.

But The Carer (Sykkuno) and The Hypnotist (Corpse)... That we never expected to see. We expected the Hypnotist to be cold and ignore all of the other crewmates, but we were dead wrong, it seems the Carer has made the Hypnotist soft.

I snapped out of my thought as they all shuffled into the cafeteria, they all had bright smiles on their face that would change very soon.

They all got up to grab their food, some walking a lot slower than others.

They sat at their normal table, everyone sitting at the middle table except corpse who was sitting at one of the back tables, staring into space, literally.

Charlie took a bite of this food and looked down in confusion...
I could see that he thought the food tasted weird by the expression on his face.

A few seconds later I watched his eyes fall shut and his head hit off the cold metal table.


Sykkuno POV

"Holy- Charlie?!" Felix shouted and ran over to Charlie, who was slouching over the table.

"Charlie, can you hear me? Are you okay?" Jack said, his voice laced in concern and fear.

I ran over to Charlie and sat him up, taking his wrist to feel his pulse.
I felt the side of his neck seeing if what I thought had happened was correct.

"No!" I cry out after not feeling a pulse on his neck or wrist.
"No, this Is not happening!" Rae shouted while tears started to stream down her face as she shook Charlie trying to wake him up.

"Rae... He's dead" Poki said grabbing the distraught woman and pulling her in for a hug.

We all look around in shock and sadness.
What do we do now?

I felt a tear fall down my cheek. We may have not known Charlie for long but he was already a great friend of everyone.
How could you not be his friend? All the jokes that he would tell that were definitely not PG-13 and how he would tell us about his Pokemon card addiction and the joys of being 5'6.

I dont think my brain had come to the fact that he was gone... It all happened so quickly.

I ran over to the computer and clicked contact home.

I watched as a small phone symbol popped up onto the screen.
"How can we help you, Sykkuno?" A voice said.

"I-um Charlie- I think he's been poised and died," I say very quickly as to not show the cracks and stutters in my voice.

"He's been poisoned?" She asked very calmly.

"Oh no, we definitely didn't do that, all the food was tested before you left Earth" she assured but for some reason, I didn't trust her.

"Place his body onto one of the med bay beds and there should be a button on the top right that will enclose the body and keep it stored until you get back home, where he can get a proper burial." She sounded so calm while talking about someone who had just passed away.

"O-okay" I quickly hung up and ran back over to my friends.

"S-she said we've to put his... Body in the med bay..." My words trail off as I realise that I was talking about my friend who was alive a mere minute ago.

Corpse was the first one to move since everyone else was frozen in fear and shock.

He slowly picked up Charlie and started walking over to the med bay.

I decided not to follow but to comfort Lily who was freaking out.
I used that fact that my mind hadn't excepted that he was dead to my advantage and didn't break down in front of everyone.

Poki was the first one to go back to her room. soon followed by everyone else, except me who stayed in the cafeteria.

I sat on one of the chairs and thought about what had just happened.

I dont understand how someone can just die that quickly? He was poisoned but by who? And why Charlie? He was nothing but nice to anyone!

My mind started to overflow with thoughts but they were all pushed away when I felt a warm hand rest on my shoulder.

I looked up from the ground and saw Corpse standing beside me with a sad look on his face.

"How are you feeling?" He asked in a soft tone.

I just looked at him and pulled him in for a hug, letting all my tears spill out onto his soft jumper.

His hands rubbing soothing circles onto my back while his head rested on top of mine.

(It's 5 am again and I'm not good at writing death scenes so I'm sorry if this isn't that good 👍)

(I love you <3❤)

The Broken Person Among Us - CorpsexSykkunoWhere stories live. Discover now