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I still can't believe that I was given a chance to go on a spaceship! I am very excited... I wonder why they picked me?

"Let's not think about that now Sykkuno, you got picked and you should be happy about it!" I said to myself hoping I would stop worrying.

"Sykkuno is it?" A lady walked up to me with a large smile on her face.

I nodded and she looked down at a clipboard, that I hadn't noticed she was holding.

"Lime... Oh, follow me this way!" She said excitedly and started walking towards a room that seemed to be all white... It looked like it had been deep cleaned multiple times and all the colour had washed away.

"Your spacesuit is over there please get changed into it and come out when you're ready," she said politely and I nodded taking a few seconds to scan the room.

There was a lime spacesuit laying on top of a table and a lime astronaut helmet sitting directly beside it.

Why lime?

I shrugged it off and grabbed the clothing pitting them on with great difficulty.
Should I wear my helmet right now?

I decided against it and walked out of the room and saw the lady from earlier waiting for me.

I looked around to see a few other people wearing spacesuits just like me but all different colours. One red, blue, cyan, dark green, pink and yellow.

"We're only waiting for a few people to get dressed then we can get you into the ship!" She said excitedly. He excitedness transferred onto me a bit and I got a small bit happier about this trip.

"Oh, thats everyone!!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a room that had the most amazing looking piece of technology I've ever seen sitting in the middle.

"That's what we're going in?" I look up at it in awe.

"Yeah" she hummed as the door the huge ship started to open, all the colourful astronauts took a step back to observe history in the making.

"All right guys! You'll be boarding the ship soon but first I have a few questions for you all!" A voice said from a speaker that was in the corner of the room.

"First of all, how are you all doing today?" The voice got a few replies of good and alright.

"That's good and does everyone know their rolls?" Everyone seemed to nod but I didn't know what he was talking about.

I looked towards the lady that I still don't know the name of and she smiled showing me a piece of paper.

It said the words carer across it.

"It doesn't mean much" she whispered to me to which I replied with a nod and continued listening.

"Now you may board the ship!" The voice said sounding very excited about this.

I slowly walked behind the others towards the ship, climbing the stairs to the top before walking in.

We were in a small compartment lined with seats for us all.
But there seemed to be a lot more seats than people but I didn't mind. I quickly sat down in an empty chair beside red and brown.

They were talking away and I felt like saying something but decided against it as to now interrupt their conversation.

"If you wouldn't mind putting your helmets on, we're about to take off." The door closed quicker than it opened and I suddenly realised what I was doing and started to panic.

I can't go to space!
What if the ship explodes?
What about my family I won't see them!

My head started to feel like a pile of bricks that I couldn't hold onto anymore, so I let go and watched as the world started to fade from my vision.

The Broken Person Among Us - CorpsexSykkunoWhere stories live. Discover now