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(Not sure about this chapter but fuck it)

"Guys we have to do tasks around the ship so we don't all die!" Felix said happily, while the rest of us groaned in pretend annoyance.

"C'mon guys it won't be that bad!" Lily said cheerfully.

"Thank you, Lily, any way you gotta take one of these IPads that have a list of tasks In them that we have to do." Felix started handing out the IPads.

"Grab a buddy and go!" Felix shouted and watched while Charlie grabbed Jacks arm and took off running in the direction of the storage room with Rae and Poki following closely behind them.

Micheal and Lily decided against running but started walling towards navigation.

Leaving me, Toast, Felix and Corpse sitting in the cafeteria.
Toast stood up and started walking towards me but before he could say anything Felix ran over to Toast and put his arm around him, pulling him away from me.

"So Toast, where are we going first?" He said dragging Toast with him in the direction of the reactor.

"Oh, um okay, I guess we're going to reactor?" Toast walked away with a surprised look on his face.
Felix turned to look back at me and winked before continuing to pull Toast down the long hallway.

Why did Felix drag Toast away? I was so confused.
Until I looked around and saw Corpse standing to my left.


"So it's just me and you, I guess?" I mumbled and he nodded, grabbing the last of the IPads that were sitting on the middle table.

"Where do you want to go first?" He said in his really deep voice, that still shocks me.

"Um, we could go do card swipe in admin?" I suggest and he nodded and started walking in the direction of admin.

I ran a little to catch up with him but luckily admin was close to the cafeteria, so that meant less walking! Yay!

We walked into the admin room and looked around, It had a desk sitting in the middle that showed where everyone was and there was a card swipe just beside it.

I walked over to the table that showed you where everyone was and saw that there was two in storage, two in shields, two in med bay and two in admin.

"Wait, aren't we missing people?" I think aloud, staring at the screen.

Corpse looked over to see what I was doing before walking out of the room.

I watched him walk out in surprise.
Why was he leaving me?

"How many does it say the hallway?" He called out.

I looked back at the screen and saw that there was no one in the hallway.
"It said none!" I shout back making him come back in.

"Maybe it doesn't show you if you're in the halls?" He questioned.

"Oh yeah probably" I smile at him and he returned the gesture.
That's when I realised that Corpse had taken off his mask when he walked in! Does that mean he trusts me because he's showing me his appearance?
I felt my smile get bigger as I thought about it.

He looked at me with a confused face "what, did I do something?" He asked looking around for something that I would be smiling at.

"Yeah," I say but turn around and walked over to the card swipe, I took my lime green card out of my pocket and swiped it across the panel.

The words Accepted, Thank You popped up onto the screen making me feel happy that I had done my first task.

I put my card back in my pocket and got ready to move onto another room.

"What?" Corpse said frustratedly.

Too fast. Try again

He swiped the card again, getting the same response.
"Wait what? Sykkuno how did you do this?" He huffed, annoyed by this task.

"You gotta do it slower" I laughed and jumped up to sit on the table, just behind the card swipe.

Too slow. Try again

Came up onto the screen forcing me to try to hold in a laugh.
"Faster than that," I said letting out a few giggles.

"This task doesn't like me!" Corpse protested, swiping the card over and over again.

Too fast. Try again

Too fast. Try again

Too fast. Try again

Too fast. Try again

We're the only words that came onto the screen.

I couldn't hold in my laugh anymore and broke into a fit of giggles.

"This isn't funny, Sykkuno!" He said but by the tone in his voice, it sounded like he was about to laugh as well.

It only got funnier and funnier as it continued to not work, I felt a tear escape my eye and run down my face.

"No, no Corpse you gotta do it like this" I laugh, grabbing the jet black card out of his hands and swipe it across the panel.

Accepted, Thank You

Corpse looked at me in disbelief. "How did you do that?" He wondered making me smile and run out of the door to admin and keep running along the hall.

"C'mon we got other tasks to do!" I shout back at him.

"Wait, no tell me how you did that!" He shouted but I had no plan to slow down, he would just have to run to catch up with me.

I ran past Felix and Toast who were filling up the petrol canisters in storage.

"Hey, guys" I smile, stopping to talk to them. They look at me in confusion as to why I was running.

"Why are you running?" Toast asked. I stood out of breath for a second before going to reply.

"Corpse wants to know how to do-" I immediately stopped talking when I saw Corpse come through the door.

I took off running again, not sure where I was going but I still kept going.

I turned around to see Corpse running after me.
"Oh-" I ran into a room that I hoped had additional rooms in it.
I looked around and saw no extra rooms to hide in.
This must be electrical I thought to myself.

"You have nowhere to run now," Corpse said slowly walking over to me.
I slowly backed up into an electrical box, thinking about how I was gonna escape.

He walked closer to me and I tried to run around him but he caught my wrist and pulled me towards him.

He bent down and grabbed my legs, hoisting me onto his shoulder, so I couldn't move.

"No, Corpse put me down" I snickered as he started to walk out of electrical.

"I'm not putting you down till you tell me how you did card swipe!" He declared but I just shook my head.
"I'll never tell you!" I protested.

"Then you'll never be put down" I could hear the smirk through his voice.

"Fine, I didn't need to walk anyways" I try to say but I knew I did.

"So where are we going now?" I ask since I couldn't see anything in front of us.

The Broken Person Among Us - CorpsexSykkunoWhere stories live. Discover now