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"Sykkuno?" I heard someone say as I felt my shoulder shake.

I slowly lifted my head to see the two girls in the red and brown suits from earlier, standing directly in front of me.

"I think you passed out during the launch... We wanted to see if you were okay" the red one said with a small reassuring smile on her face.

"Oh, thank you... I think I'm fine" my voice lowered to a whisper by the end of my sentence.

"Oh!" The girl in the brown suit ran over to where I saw them sitting before we launched.

She looked around in a small backpack that was sitting on her chair.

"Here!" She quickly ran back to me and handed me a bottle of water which I took gratefully.

"I'm Rae and this is Poki by the way" the girl in red that I could now call Rae said.

"I'm Sykkuno... You already knew that" I mumbled and they just giggled and sat down beside me.

"So have you talk to any of the other people on the ship?" I asked curiously to which they replied with a nod.

"That's Lily, she's really nice! That's her boyfriend Micheal he's got a lot of weird ideas" Poki said pointing to the girl in the pink suit and the boy in the yellow suit.

"That's Jack and Felix, I think they just met today I'm not sure but they seem to be fun people" she directed her attention to the two people in the corner of the ship, one in a white suit and one in a dark green suit.

"And that's Charlie... He's been asleep since we took off so I'm not sure what he's like" Poki pointed to a man in a blue suit that was sprawled out across 3 seats, but somehow he still had his seatbelt on?

"Guys you forgot about me!" A voice said from behind me, giving me a slight fright but I'll never admit it.

"Oh, how could we forget about Toast?" Rae said rolling her eyes but moving over a seat so he could sit down.

"I'm Toast, the smartest person here," The man said holding his hand out for me to shake.

I was about to shake Toasts hand when I saw Poki and Rae (who were behind him) start to make funny faces and rude gestures towards Toast, making me pull back my hand and cover my mouth while I laughed.

"Wha-?" Toast quickly turned around looking directly at Poki and Rae, who had instantly turned around and pretend to look everywhere except Toast.

"You both aren't very smart, I could see your reflection in the helmet visor!" He snickered getting a punch in the arm as a response.

'You have arrived'

I heard a robotic voice come from a speaker interrupting our conversation.

Arrived where? Was all I could think about.

I watched as the doors opened slowly revealing a cafeteria? I looked around in confusion.

'This is where you'll be staying." The voice said again.

I looked around in awe at how big it was there were so many rooms! I slowly walked towards the door seeing everyone else rushing out.

"Rae?" I whispered, grabbing onto her hand and pulling her back.

"You didn't mention who the person in the black suit was?" I mumbled hoping she heard me.

She looked around, spotting the man I was talking about.
"Oh, we didn't notice him..." She whispered back and pulled me towards the exit.

I kept my eyes on the man, he was still wearing his helmet so I couldn't tell what he looked like but he was a lot taller than me, which kind of scared me.

I saw his helmet turn in my direction, letting me see nothing but my own reflection in the glass visor.

"Sykkuno lets go!" Rae shouted pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Poki found a map, let's go see where our rooms are!" She grabbed my arm and dragged me off in a random direction.

I started to walk quickly as to not fall on my face.
"How far away are the rooms?" I ask but got no reply.

"Here!" They speed-walked into a room filled with smaller rooms, that I assumed had beds in them. (I added a room to skeld)

As we walked past the rooms I noticed there were names and numbers inscribed onto a golden panel that was screwed onto the doors.

"Sykkuno, you're number 5, Rae is 9 and I'm 7" we all stood in front of our doors looking around still in awe.

"Guys... The door next to me says Corpse?" Rae said in a concerned tone.

"Maybe that's where they keep dead bodies of all the people that have been murdered on this ship," Poki uttered with a spooky voice while waving her arms and hands around.

I let out a small giggle as Rae looked generally scared.

"I don't think that's where they keep the dead bodies" I assured her.

I heard a deep chuckle come from behind me making me turn around instantly.
The man from earlier had just walked into the room we were in.

I stared at him as he started to walk up to Rae.

She looked up at him in confusion and wonder, as to why he was walking towards her.
He stood directly in front of her.

"Can I get to my room, please?" He said, his voice deeper than the Mariana Trench, sending chills up my spine.

"O-Yeah!" Rae moved out the way, letting the man walk past her. He opened the door that read the word Corpse, before going in and shutting the door.

"Wow, okay then..." Poki said laughing before disappearing into her room.

I laughed at Rae's startled expression before copying Poki and going into my room.

The Broken Person Among Us - CorpsexSykkunoWhere stories live. Discover now