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Everyone could finally go back to the cafeteria for their lunch, but most of them had chosen to sit at tables by themselves due to being sceptical of everyone else.

I had walked in a little later than everyone else but I noticed Corpse was sitting by himself so I slowly started to make my way over to his table.

"Sykkuno!" Toast shouted me from the table he was sitting at, he had a frown on his face and he was waving me over to his table.

"Come sit with me, I don't want Corpse to kill you," Toast grumbled while glaring daggers at Corpse who was just staring at me.

"Um... No thanks Toast, im fine here" I say back politely trying to sound as nice as possible.

"Sykkuno... You do know that he is the person that has been murdering all of these people, right?" Toast asked looking at me with a serious look.

"Um- Corpse hasn't done anything!" I mumble and quickly walk over to Corpses table.

"It's not my fault if you die" Toast shouted back.

"Can you all hold your wheesht! I'm trying to eat my food in quiet." Jack shouted, keeping her head down, not looking at any of us.

I sat down in the seat beside Corpse and grabbed his hand from under the table. He rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb in a comforting manner.

The cafeteria fell into silence. All of the other noises like the loud air ventilation and the sound of everyone breathing had suddenly become 10x louder than before.

I tried to get the annoying sound of the air ventilation out of my ears by concentrating on Corpses breathing.

His breaths were more spaced out than mine meaning when my breathing fixed itself to match Corpses, I calmed down by a lot almost instantly.

I can't believe they think Corpse could do such a thing, he may look and sound scary but he's a sweetheart on the inside.

I sat and ate my dinner in silence, just the occasional sound of knives and forks hitting the ceramic plates.

I glanced at Corpse every so often to see if he was ready to leave yet or if I had to wait a little more.

He nodded his head in the direction of the door, signalling that he was ready to leave.

We stood up slowly, trying to make as little noise as possible, as to not disrupt the seemingly unbreakable awkward silence that had fallen on the cafeteria.

We slowly walked to the door making our footsteps as light as possible.

"Corp-" I felt something grab my arm pulling me in a different direction.

"C'mon Sykkuno" the what seemed to be the voice of Toast said as his hand grabbed painfully around my wrist.

"Toast? You're hurting me" I said while trying to pull away from him.

"He's the killer! Can't you see that?!" Toast growled.

"Let me go! Corpse didn't kill anyone" I protest, turning around to see Corpse not there?

"Let go of him" I heard his deep and gravelly voice say from beside me, Instead of behind me.

"You stay away from us! I know it's you" Toast growled, tightening his grip on my wrist.

"Toast, let go you're hurting me!" I wine, my hand feeling like it would dislocate if he pulled any harder.

"Corpse wouldn't hurt anyo-" I was cut off by Toast getting slammed into the nearest wall by Corpse, his hand felling from my wrist.

I stood there in shock, rubbing my now red wrist that had a pale hand mark imprinted on it.

"Don't you dare hurt him" growled Corpse, his voice was laced with anger and hostility that sent a shiver up my spine.

Corpse had his arm pressed up against Toasts chest so he couldn't move that much, not that he was going to after the wind had been knocked out of him.

"Stay away from sykkuno" he seethed.

I felt my heart flutter at how protective he was and how he was doing what he said, he was keeping me safe.

But I still didn't want him to hurt Toast that much so I grabbed Corpses hand and pulled him away from Toast who immediately fell to his knees and tried to breathe in all the air that had been knocked out of him.

I could tell by Corpses heavy and inconsistent breathing that he was still angry so I let go of his hand and cuddled into his side, as we walked.

He smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist, kissing the top of my head which was something he has started to do a lot more frequently.

"Thank you" I whisper Corpse nodded and looked at my wrist that was all red, he pulled me into his room (me still being hugged into his side) and opened his bedside drawer.

He pulled out a packet of painkillers and a bottle of water.

"I sneaked them in there before we left Earth" Corpse smiled.

Merry Christmas!!!!!!! 🎅☃
(Even if you don't celebrate it I still hope you have a nice day!) 

I've noticed that the song I listen to while writing these chapters influence how the chapter goes... So if you have any songs I should listen to feel free to comment them.

I love you ❤❤❤❤

The Broken Person Among Us - CorpsexSykkunoWhere stories live. Discover now