Michael- you cant do that

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|| age: 6 ||

Michael Pov:

y/n was currently having a tantrum because she didn't want to eat all her lunch, she wanted the ice cream we had bought yesturday and i told her she could have some for desert after dinner.
but no. She wanted it now!

" GIMMIE THE ICE CREAM " she screamed and cried thrashing around the floor " y/n, get up or your definitely not having any for desert " i said as she just cried more

" im not gonna let you see your uncles if you keep crying like this " i said as she gasped " YOU CANT DO T-THAT " she cried as i sighed picking her up letting her thrash around in my arms as i sat her in the chair

" listen to me " i said as she cried throwing her head back looking at the ceiling, " look at daddy " i said wiping her tears as she looked me in the eyes

" no more tears, me and your uncles have a fun day planned for you but we can't have a fun day on an empty stomach can we " i said as she rubbed her eyes and shook her head

" so no more throwing a tantrum " i said as she nodded " why won't you throw a tantrum " i asked as she hiccuped " because im n-not a ba-baby, im a big girl " she said as she steadied her breathing

" that's your my big girl, so can i see that pretty smile " i said as she giggled and hid her face in her shirt.

she started eating her sandwich and chips when the doorbell rang i got up to open it and in walked calum luke and ashton.

i walked them to the kitchen were y/n was and squealed when calum came in, calum was her favorite but she did have a little crush on Luke we all knew but him.

" not gonna say hi to me, why are you so shy with me " Luke asked as y/n shrugged and started blushing. " why your eyes so red where you crying, did your daddy make you cry , should I beat him up for you " Luke asked as y/n giggled and shook her head reaching out for me.

" a little girl just had a little tantrum because she didn't want to eat her lunch but now she's being a big girl and not crying " i said feeding y/n her last bite of her sandwich

" i wonder who that little girl is " ashton asked as y/n smiled
" me too, " she said as we all laughed

" alright y/n go get your black converse and let's go " i said as she nodded and ran to her room to get her shoes

when she came back she sat on the floor by us struggling to put them on for about 3 minutes until she passed them to calum so he could help her " uncle cally help me please " she whined frustrated as he smiled and helped her within 2 minutes.

— time skip still michael pov

we were walking around at the fair when y/n wanted to go on the big Ferris Wheel

we all got on and she was loving it until we got to the top and she got scared holding on tight to me
" it's alright daddy's not gonna let anything happen to you " i said holding her on my lap as she shut her eyes tightly

" promise " she said as i kissed her nose " promise " i said as all the boys awed and I playfully rolled my eyes

once we got to the bottom she didn't want to let go so i carried her around to every ride she wanted to go on and by the end of the night she was fast asleep in my arms!

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