calum- squishy

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|| age: 4 ||

Y/n Pov:

today me and daddy were going over to uncle mikeys house because they wanted to play a new video game together, so once we got to uncle mikeys house I got to ring the doorbell and when he opened it I got a little shy so I hid behind daddy's leg

" hey where's my princess, calum don't tell me you forgot her " I heard uncle Mikey say before I giggled, " hey who's behind you " he said as I jumped out " I AM " I said giggling as he screamed and picked me up throwing me in the air, " I missed you " I said hugging him tightly as he did the same,
" I missed you so much more " he said as I giggled, daddy just took a picture and we all laughing going inside

Once we were all inside I saw aunt Crystal on the couch, " hi y/n " she said as I ran to her giving her a hug, " hello " I said giggling as she squished my cheeks " your cheeks are so chubby and cute I'm going to cry " she said making me giggling and push her hands away

"  my daddy's cheeks are squishy like mine but his cheeks are puffy and soft " I said as daddy sat down and I squished his face to show aunt Crystal

" squishy daddy " I said as he made duck lips with his cheeks squished so I quickly gave daddy a kiss and crawled over to uncle Mikey as he started the game

I watched how focused he was until I popped my head in front of the screen, " yesss hoodie " he said as I smiled, " can I do your hair and give you a hair make over " I said as he nodded, so I quickly did some nice twists in his hair and he looked good,

" thank you miss hood " he said as I smiled, I crawled back over to daddy and cuddled with him,
" I like your cuddles " he said as I smiled " I like your squishy cheeks " I said getting up to kiss both his cheeks, " I love you and your kisses " he said as I hugged him putting my head on his shoulder with my legs on either side of him

" can we cuddle daddy I'm tired "
I said yawning as he nodded and hummed a little song he always sings to me at bed time and I was listening to his hums until my eyes gave out and I was asleep in my daddy's arms, the only safe place

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