Ashton- Shadow

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Ashton Pov:

Me and y/n were at Lily's ( Luke's daughter ) 5th birthday party and y/n just wouldnt leave my side and followed me where ever I go

she was either attached to my hips or leg always next to me.

" y/n why are you being so shy I know you want to go play with everybody go have fun " Luke told her poking her sides trying to make her laugh but she only nuzzled her face into my chest while putting her thumb in her mouth

" come on y/n we all know your not shy " Michael said poking her cheek

" y/n can you atleast stay with uncle calum so I can go to the bathroom " I said as calum held his arms out for her to go but she didn't she just gripped on to my shirt shaking her head no.

" please " I said kissing her head as she finally gave in and mad grabby hands for calum

I quickly ran inside to use the bathroom

Calum Pov:

I was holding y/n cradling her on my lap when Lily came over

" hi uncle cally, y/n can you please play with me " Lily asked while grabbing y/n's hand to hold

" but there are other people kids like us you can play with " y/n said making lily frown

" but I don't want to play with them I want to play with you " Lily said smiling while still holding on to y/n's hand

" why " y/n asked sitting up on my lap

" because your my favorite cousin and because the other kids don't want to play on the bounce castle with me they said its for babies " Lily said looking alittle sad

" it's not for babies, I'll play with you " y/n said sliding off my lap running hand in hand with Lily to the bounce castle, which was pretty cute

Ashton Pov:

I come back outside and see calum sitting alone so I sat next to him and asked where y/n was and he pointed to the bounce castle where I saw y/n and Lily giggling to themselves

A few minutes later y/n and Lily both came out the bounce castle breathing heavily and laughing with red faces

" well hello you too " I said tickling them

" hi daddy " " hi uncle ashy "

Luke walked over and picked Lily up saying it was time for cake

" y/n can you pretty please sit next to me " Lily told y/n as she shyly nodded

Me and Luke both sat the girls down next to each other but y/n held onto my hand

" sit with me pleaseeee " she asked  pointing to the seat next to her which was really small but I'd do anything to make her happy

So the party went on for a couple more hours until everybody left leaving, Michael,Calum,Me,
Y/n,Lily, and Luke. We were all spending the night at Luke's house

It was almost y/n's bed time and at night that's when she got really clingy, she stopped playing with Lily and crawled on my lap wrapping her little arms around my neck

" I've got one clingy baby tonight don't I " I said kissing her temple as she nodded and put her face in my neck

I slowly started to rub her back and play with her hair and give her head scratches because she loved them and it put her to sleep faster, I was going to get up and put y/n to be when I also found Lily on the floor asleep

" hey Luke child down " I joked around pouting to Lily on the floor as he laughed

" come on put her in Lily's room on the bottoms bunk " he said leading me to Lily's room

We both put the girls down and left quietly so the boys and I could all have a movie and drink a couple of beers, of course Michael being Michael he got a little drunk

It was almost 12 and we were all gonna sleep in the living room until Lily came out rubbing her eyes and walked to me

" y/n's crying, she said she had a bad dream " Lily said grabbing my hand back to her room where I saw y/n curled up into a ball with her knees in her face

" y/n come here " I said pulling her on my lap as I rocked her back and forth

" it was just a dream calm down look at me " I said moving her chin to look at me

" your fine, no more tears, I'm right here and so is Lily she wouldn't let anything happen to you, right Lily " I said looking at Lily and she nodded and wiped
y/n's tears away

" you can sleep with me on top of you want " Lily said sleepily as y/n nodded.

" I helped Lily get back up on her bed and put y/n on top to where Lily cuddled with her and Lily fell right back to sleep

       " goodnight I love you "
" goodnight i love you to daddy "

I kissed her forehead and left the room quietly back to the living to find Michael on top of the counter thinking he's a cowboy as Luke and Calum laughed and recorded

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