Ashton- only daddy

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/ y/n- your name /

Ashton Pov:

y/n has been clingy all morning
and we were now walking into calum's house. and y/n didn't want to let go.

" can i have a hug " calum asked as y/n whined and his her face in my neck. " ouch " he said as I laughed giving him a side hug

" she's been clingy all morning " I said as he nodded. " so what do you want to do, we could go to the mall I need new clothes for the next tour ". Calum said as I nodded agreeing that I need clothes too, y/n already had to many

" I've gotta go to the bathroom first, here have her " I said passing her to calum as he laughed gladly excepting her but y/n didn't approve of this

Calum Pov:

Ashton ran up the stairs as y/n soon started whining, " it's alright he's coming back " I said lightly bouncing her as she soon started crying

" want daddy " she said rubbing her eyes as I patted her back and swayed side to side.

" you don't love uncle cally anymore " I said as she rubbed her eyes " i do, but I want daddy " she said sniffling as I kissed her cheek

" here you can play with my phone and you can download a game if you want " I said as she nodded

we sat on the couch and waited for ashton to come back and once he did y/n ditched me and ran back into his arms

" that's it, no more love for uncle cally " I said as ashton laughed but y/n kept her head on her fathers shoulder

Y/n Pov:

Daddy helped me get in my car seat and went to the driver seat
when uncle cally got in i saw him crying and i gasped " are you okay uncle cally " I asked as he smiled and nodded wiping his few tears

" is it because you think i don't love you, i promise i do im sorry don't cry " i said pouted as they both looked back at me

" no baby it's not you uncle cally just caught his finger in the door because he doesn't pay attention " daddy said as I let out a sigh of relief " oh, silly uncle cally " i said as they both laughed and we went to the mall

Once we got there I held both there hands as they swung me up in the air making me laugh

we walked around looking at clothes for me and daddy and uncle calum and soon enough i got tired and uncle cally was still looking for clothes

" up " I said reaching up for my dad as he told me to wait looking around him but I was tired so I just stomped my feet keeping my arms up " up daddy " I said whining as he sighed and picked me up.

I put my head on his shoulder as he swayed side to side " tired " he said as I nodded against his shoulder " alright go to sleep princess " he said kissing my head and whispering little things to me

" love you daddy " I said quietly not thinking he heard me but to my surprise he whispered back
" i love you too, forever and always "

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