Calum- New sister

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Ava- your mother

Calum Pov:

Me and Ava just brought the baby home and I was going to ask y/n if she'd like to see and hold her but y/n ran to her room

I went to follow after her until she closed the door in my face and locked her door

" y/n baby open the door why'd you lock it " I said knocking

" I don't want to talk to you " she said sounding upset almost like she was crying

" y/n sweetheart are you upset about something can you tell me what's wrong " I said trying open the door

" DADDY GO AWAY " she said shouting

" hey, do not shout at daddy unless you want a timeout missy " I said walking away downstairs to Ava

" hey Ava do you know why- " I cut myself off walking into mine and avas room where she was breastfeeding Charlotte

" oh sorry " I said covering my eyes

" it's fine cal it's nothing you haven't seen before " Ava said laughing

" tru, ya know Charlotte those used to be mine before you and
y/n were born " I said laughing as avas jaw dropped and she threw a pillow at me

" speaking of y/n do you know where she is " Ava said concerned

" she locked herself in her room she's upset about something but won't come out " I said sitting on the bed

" well there's a pick on the top of her door frame try that " Ava said making me remember why it was there

" alright " I said getting up walking to y/n's room

I was reaching for the pick when I heard y/n talking

" mr.sniffles, daddy and mommy don't love me anymore only Charlotte, I'm not there little princess anymore, I don't want a sister " it broke my heart to know she though we didn't love her so I got the pick and picked the lock and went it

I walked to her picked her up sat her on my lap and just cradled her

" you know I love you very much y/n and you will always be my baby princess no matter how old you are " I told her as she looked at me confused

" you heard me ? " she said as I nodded

" well I still don't want a sister, she's gonna cry a lot and you guys won't have time for me anymore " y/n said snuggling into my chest

" well how about we pay Charlotte a vist and you will se she's not that bad " I said standing up with y/n on my hip

" Ava we got a little stinker here who thinks we won't have anytime for her because of Charlotte tell her it's not true " I said tickling

" Y/n Hood, you know you will always be our number 1 baby and sometimes if you feel sad or left out you have to tell me or daddy alright, we love you both very much " Ava said making y/n smile

" I love you guys to, even Charlotte " y/n said kissing charlottes head

When she did Charlotte smiled

" look mama I made her smile "
y/n said excitedly

" I think she loves you to " Ava said

" daddy I take it back I want to keep Charlotte forever and ever "

" well I'm glad you do pumpkin " I said kissing y/n's cheek

" do I get one back " I said making y/n giggle and kiss both my cheeks

" daddy has fluffy cheeks " y/n said squishing my cheeks

" wait one for mama to " she said kissing avas cheek

" daddy give mommy a kiss to " she said smiling as I leaned down to kiss Ava on her lips

" gross daddy I meant on the cheek " y/n said scrunching up her nose making me and Ava laugh

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