Luke- Timeout

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||age: 5||
||y/n- your name||
||summary: you have been in timeout 6 times today and Luke get more and more upset ||

Luke Pov:

" y/n this is your 6th time in timeout, and I've had ENOUGH you need to start respecting and stop misbehaving or were not going to the birthday party on Saturday " I told her sternly as she stayed stiff ready fo cry

" I sorry daddy " she said wiping her eyes

" sorry doesn't cut it " I said as she looked down at her lap and played with her fingers

" now sit there for 15 minutes don't think about getting up " I said walking away from her

I watched her from afar and watched as she sat there crying and sniffling

" you weren't crying when you were disrespecting daddy so don't cry now " I said as she looked up and wiped her tears

Her 15 minutes passed and I sat on the couch in front of her with my arms open as she ran into them sobbing more

" I'm sorry ima bad girl daddy " she said wiping her tears again my chest

" it's ok if you want to give me away I don't deserve a daddy like you " she said sniffling as my heart broke

" y/n there is not one little girl I want more then you and just because you were being a bad girl doesn't mean I don't want you princess, I'll love you forever " I said kissing her forehead as she smiled looking up at me

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