Michael- Beanie Baby

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||age: 2||
| Crystal Leigh- your mom |
| y/n- your name |
| you waddle around michaels room as he irons your clothes and you steal his beanie |

Crystal Pov:

" mama " " mama " i heard y/n from the baby monitor. I slowly got up rubbing my eyes and walked to see her holding onto her crib bars and throwing her pacifier on the floor

" hey what are you doing " i said as she giggled reaching for me.
" good morning my beautiful angel " i said picking her up.
" dada, dada " she said clapping her hands " let's go brush out teeth first princess " i said walking to the bathroom

after brushing our teeth we went back to mine and Michael's room to see him still asleep. " hey, is that dada " i asked as she squealed and reached out for Michael

" go wake dada up " i said putting her on the bed as she crawled over to Michael moving the blanket to see his face. " dada " she said touching his head as i smiled recording her

" give dada morning kisses " i said as she giggled and kissed his cheek making me awe.
" say dada wake up " i told her as she started bouncing " 'ake up " she said patting his head as he turned the other way

" hi dada " she said climbing on his back and hitting his back with her tiny fist " up, up, dada " she said as i smiled posting the video and putting my phone down getting in bed with them

" michael, get up, you guys have an interview today " i said checking the time to see 10:30
" i don't wanna go " he said rubbing his eyes as y/n was still sitting on his back tracing her finger around

" hi y/n " he said as she smiled and leaned on his head " dada up " she said as michael smiled " yes dada's up " he said as she squealed jumping on his back

" okay, don't fall please " he said as i sat y/n between us. " go brush your teeth fix your hair get dressed " I said as he groaned
" geez okay mom " he said playfully rolling his eyes as i shook my head smiling

" let's get you dressed " i said walking hand in hand with y/n to her room, i picked out a quick and cute outfit but she didn't let me dress her " wan' dada " she said whining and not letting me put her pull up on. So I grabbed her clothes, pull up and shoes taking it to Michael's room where he was ironing his clothes

" since your ironing you clothes iron y/n's as well " i said kissing his cheek.

" she wants you to dress her she keeps fighting me " i said as he smiled and nodded " i got her, you go do what you need to do " he said as i nodded getting ready for a shower

Michael Pov:

i was ironing y/n's clothes when i felt her bump into me, when i looked down she had my red beanie on her head covering her face " hey, i was looking for this " i said picking her up and taking my beanie off her face " beanie baby " i said kissing her cheek and grabbing her clothes

" i wonder where you found dada's beanie " i said as she babbled to herself. I got a clean pull up on her and got her dressed

" well don't you look adorable " i cooed at her tickling her sides

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" well don't you look adorable " i cooed at her tickling her sides. Crystal then came out dressed and doing her hair " awe look at my princess " she said taking y/n to do her hair

i quickly got dressed throwing on black jeans and a white shirt with black wind breaker jacket and black glasses and black beanie and black shoes,

___ at the interview

Michael Pov still:

we walked into the interview and saw all the guys there talking and drinking water or juice

" well look at this princess " calum said as y/n stared at him " say hi uncle cally " i told her as she smiled " u'cle cawwy " she said reaching out for him as he took her from Crystal

" we all know I'm the favorite " he said tickling y/n as she giggled
" can i hold you " ashton asked as y/n just looked at him and tightened her firm grasp on calums shirt

" wow she doesn't love me " he said as we all laughed. " she doesn't love me either welcome to the club " Luke said as we laughed again " hey y/n where's uncle luke " i asked as she looked around and pointed to him

" Atleast she knows my name " he said.

we all laughed and played together and eventually did our interview and after the interview y/n got more comfortable with Luke and Ashton and actually let them hold her as long as i was around them she wouldn't let me out her sight, but i would have it any other way!

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