Calum- Tired Tears

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|age: 3||
||y/n- your name||
||summary: calum brings you to a party but in the middle of the party you get tired but don't want to talk so you cry hoping he would understand||

Calum Pov:

Me and the boys celebrating our new album that we just dropped and a bunch of our friends came as well, the party was at this small place the managers rented for us it was pretty awesome, I had nobody to watch y/n so I brought her and to my surprise ashton brought Ella(his daughter) Ella was 6 and absolutely adored y/n so we left Ella and y/n in a little room with Stacy, she was our best friend and Stacy and she said she would watch them for us because she doesn't drink or anything like that so she said we could celebrate and she would watch them for us

So the part went on for about 2 hours and it was now 9 so I was surprised y/n hasn't cried to go to sleep yet because she only really cries if she's tired or hungry or gets hurt other then that she's a happy baby

A few minutes later I felt something tug at my pants and I looked down to see Ella

" uncle cal " she said looking up at me as I picked her up

" what's up little Irwin " I said smiling

" y/n's been crying and auntie Stacy can't make her stop I think she wants you " pointing to the room they were in

I told everybody I'd be back so I went to the room and saw Stacy cradling y/n whole y/n kicked and cried

" what's the matter hoodie " I said as y/n reached out for me, as I took her from Stacy she immediately stopped crying and just clung to me with her face in my neck

" your tired I know, go to sleep princess " I said holding her head on my shoulder as I bounced her side to side

" wow that was easy " Ella said giggling as me and Stacy laughed

I went back out to grab my drink as everybody asked why was y/n crying and I told them she was just tired as they all awed and patted her back

By the end of the party both Ella and y/n were asleep cuddling on the couch in the other room

Ashton and I already planned to stay over at his house and he was pretty hammered so Luke helped me bring him tot he car as I held both sleeping girls as I put y/n in the car seat and Michael helped put Ella in hers

Once we got home I took Ella and put her in her bed and kissed her forehead as I put y/n in the guest room we were going to be sleeping in then I had to deal with ashtons drunk self

" where'd the party go " I said wobbling around his living room

" party is over you need to sleep let's go buddy " I said laughing bringing him into his room

" oh look my bed " he said jumping on it like a kid

" yup that's great go to bed " I said making him lay down and I grabbed up bucket because I knew tomorrow morning wouldn't be good

" but I don't wanna go to bed it's only 12:48 " he said crossing his arms

" good night Ashton if I see you out of bed I'm gonna hit you " I said treating him like a child as he just layed back down

I went to take off my jacket when I heard y/n crying again I went to the room and saw her cuddled up with herself

" hey baby I'm here what's wrong " I said sitting her on my lap

" you weft me " she said wiping her eyes and leaning into my chest

" no baby I went to take care of uncle ashy he's a little bit crazy right now " I said as she nodded

" come on let's go sleep " I said letting her lay on my stomach as I watched her eyes slowly close

" I love you y/n, forever and always " I said as I fell asleep myself

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