Luke- Hes Mine!

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||age: 4||
||y/n- your name||
||summary: you and Michael fight for Luke||

Michael Pov:

Luke was feeding y/n when I needed help with my part of the song

" Luke can you come here a minute " I yelled form the living room to the kitchen

" coming " he yelled

He quickly came running to the living room being followed by a angry y/n with her arms crossed

" Mike stop stealing daddy from me " she said huffing

" I'm sorry I'm sorry I just needed some help sheesh " I said laughing as she kept her mad face

" you needed help like 5 times already I need daddy to feed me he's mine " she said as me and Luke looked at each other and laughed

" well he's my best friend I knew him longer then you " I said like a little kid as Luke laughed and watched

" well he's my daddy and you can't have him " she said holding onto Luke's leg

" well he's my best friend " I said grabbing Luke's arm

" MINE " she yelled

" MINE " I said back hugging Luke and she got mad and punched my stomach

" MY DADDY " she said grabbing Luke's hand

" MY BEST FRIEND " I said as she stuck her tongue out at me

" mean uncle Mikey "walking back to the kitchen

Luke Pov:

I just finished helping Michael with his part and walked back to y/n seeing her eating by herself with tears in her eyes

" awe princess why are you crying " I asked as she looked at me and rolled her eyes

" why do you care daddy, go with your best friend " she said looking the other way

" aww y/n are you jealous, is my baby jealous " I said poking her sides as she tried hard not to giggle

" no stop it " she said finishing her food as I take her plate and put it in the sink

I picked her up even though she refused " lemme go right now mister go be with your best friend not me " she said kicking her feet as I held her tight

" Mikey we got a little jealous princess over here " i told him as he stood up and smiled

" IM not JEALOUS " she said trying to get me to put her down

" there's only one way to get rid of the jealously " I looked at Michael as he nodded

" we must tickle it out of you " Michael said as I put her down and we chased after her while listening to her cute giggles

" ok I'm not jealous please please please don't tickle me " she said as we had her trapped in a corner

" are you sure your not jealous anymore " Michael said as she ran up to him and hugged him and said " I'm sure "

" alright just remember I will always love YOU more then anything else " I told her kissing her cheek as she giggled skipping away

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