Icky (Malum boyxboy)

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Y/n POV:

I woke up with a pounding headache and my tummy was hurting and my throat felt funny
I felt so weak I tried getting up but it felt like I was going to throw up so I layed back down

I looked at my little clock that uncle Luke gave me and it read

I just started whining and setting out a few tears and I guess papa was walking by room and heard me as I saw his head pop in through the door he rushed to my side

"what's wrong princess" he asked pushing back my morning hair out of my face

" it hurts papa " was all I could say before I was in full on tears

"Michael get in y/n's room quickly" papa said calling for daddy

"What's wrong babe" Michael ran up to me and papa

" I felt her forehead and she might be sick can you get the thermometer and all the liquid medicines we have "

" what hurts baby you gotta tell me so I could help you " papa told me but I could speak without a few sobs inbetween

" everything I feel icky papa make it stop " I tried so hard to stop crying because it was hurting my throat more but I couldn't

Daddy came back with all the medicines and thermometer and daddy check my temperature

" 101.2 " " she needs Benadryl" daddy told me but I didn't want nasty medicine

"Come on me and daddy made your pancakes and bacon for you"
papa said but I could get up so I made grabby hands for him to pick me

"can you stand up for me baby I wanna see something" papa asked and I just shook my head

" I t-tried getting up earlier but I felt like vomiting papa it hurts really bad make it stop " I told him

Papa/Calums Pov:

"it hurts really bad make it stop"

those were the words that broke my heart, y/n rarely got sick so this time when she did it was worse then last time.

She made grabby hands to me and I picked her up gently and brought her downstairs to the couch were I put pillows and blankets all around her to make her comfortable as I brought a little foldable table to the living room I put her favorite show on tv and fed her as she watched her show.

After we fed her we waited 2 hours to give her the medicine.

" come on baby I know it's nasty but you gotta drink it or else you won't get better " I told her putting the little cup to her lip

All she did was clamp her mouth shut

" y/n please " I begged
"No papa it's yucky" she said putting her hand over her mouth

Michael came around to sit next to her and said

" I went to the store yesturday and bought your favorite ice cream how about if you take your medicine we can cuddle all day and watch all the movies you want" he said grinning

" ok fine" she said as I put the little cup to her lips and she drank it

" water " " water " she said fanning her face being dramatic

Michael jogged to get her a cup of water as she drank all of it

" yucky " she said as she gave me a scrunched up face

" now can we eat ice cream "

"In 30 minutes I want the medicine to get into your system so you can feel better alright "
I said opening my arms for he to cuddle

" promise we can get ice cream later after the wait " she said

" promise " I said

" ok papa " she said gladly excepting my cuddles

"hey does daddy get any cuddles"
Michael said pretending to be hurt

" of course daddy you can get cuddles come here " she said as Michael got close to her and she put small arm around his neck and they cuddled watching moved

and as promised 30 minutes later they got ice cream and watched Disney movies all day until dinner

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