Michael- Dont Leave Me

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||age: 4||
||y/n- your name||
||summary: it's your first day of preschool and you don't want him to leave||

Michael: Pov

It was 9 in the morning y/n was telling me how excited she was to go to school and make new friends

On the way to school she couldn't stop laughing but once we got there she was alittle scared

I brought her to the door where her classroom was and walked her in

" hey there you must be y/n Clifford " her teacher said as y/n nodded holding onto my leg

" well I'm Ms.Lucas your teacher "
she said giving y/n a soft smile

" alright well you want to come play with the blocks with Angi I promise you she's really nice " she told y/n holding out her hand but y/n just shook her head and hid her face in my leg

" y/n what happened you were so excited this morning to come " I said crouching down to her level

" I change my mind I wanna go home daddy " she said getting tears in her eyes

" y/n your gonna have so much fun then after school we're going to uncle ashy's house and uncle Lukey and cally will be there " I said kissing her head

" and I have to go because we're gonna plan something fun for your first day " I said as she finally let all her tears out

" no, don't leave me, I thought you loved me please don't go daddy " she said as the other parents around us awed and her teacher gave a sad smile

" I still love you y/n and I always will never forget that but I promise your gonna have so much fun princess " I said holding her tightly slowly letting go

" ok, promise you will come back " she said wiping her tears

" promise y/n " I said making her smile

" I love you daddy " she said kissing my cheek before grabbing her teachers hand

" I love you too y/n bye bye now " I said waving as her and her teacher waved back

Y/n POV:

" how about we go color now with everybody else " Ms.Lucas, I was still shy so I just nodded

We spent the whole day coloring and playing with toys and coloring I even made 2 new friends,
Angi and Sunny

Even though school was fun I still missed daddy though.

Michael Pov:

" calum let's go you loser " I said laughing dragging him by his collar

" relax mate im coming I'm coming " he said laughing

Calum was coming with me to pick up y/n then we would go back to ashtons house to have fun and celebrate y/n's first day of school

We got to the front of the school and walked to y/n's class but calum walked in first then I did

The teacher saw us and we saw
y/n playing with 2 other little girls but when she looked up she ran to me skipping calum

" YOU CAME BACK " she said kissing my cheek and hugging my tightly

" I will always keep my promises "
I said hugging her I put her down and she immediately latched on to calum since he was her favorite

" hi uncle cally " she said hugging his leg

" hey munch " he said picking her up throwing her in the air

" hello Mr.Clifford she was an absolute angel she's very shy but was amazing " Ms.Lucas said smiling softly

" awesome, also this is my best friend Calum," I said as calum and the teacher shook hands

" right, well if I ever can't make it to pick up y/n he will so I just wanted to let you know " I said smiling at her.

" he's the best uncle cally ever "
y/n said smiling hugging calum and squishing his face " he has a squishy face to " y/n said making us all laugh

" alright well let's go to uncle ashy's house to party " calum said putting her on his shoulders as
y/n waved by to her friends and the teacher

" there crazy, I'll see you tomorrow have a nice day " I said shaking hands with the teacher

" same to you enjoy your party " she said throwing her hands in the air laughing

" alright goodbye "

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