you get hurt ( all )

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Calum: 4

Calum Pov:

I was watching y/n run around in the yard with Mikey chasing her and I guess she wasn't looking and tripped over one of her toys she had laying out after I told her to put it away earlier

" omg y/n " I said running to her

Michael picked her up and gave her to me and she just clung to me

" you see I told you put your toys away earlier but you didn't listen this is what happens " I said holding her rubbing her back

I brought her inside leaving the boys to talk outside

" where does it hurt " I asked as she just shook her head

" no where " I she said wiping her tears

" are you sure "I said as she nodded and reached out to me

" alright let's go back out " I said walking towards the door

" no wait " she said sticking her face I my neck

" I don't wanna go outside "

" why not " I asked y/n

" cause, I fell that's embarrassing daddy " she said wiping her nose

" it's alright no need to be embarrassed y/n " I said kissing her cheek walking through the back door

" are you alright y/n " Luke asked as y/n just nodded then hid in my chest

" she's just embarrassed " I said laughing a bit kissing her forehead

" it's alright y/n don't worry we all fall sometimes no need to be embarrassed " Ashton told her making her smile and stop hiding

For the rest of the day y/n just stayed stuck to me but I wouldn't have it any other way

Luke: 10

Luke Pov:

It was just me and y/n at home and y/n wanted toast so she went to the kitchen and I guess when the bread finished she must of burned her hand because she let out the loudest scream

" DADDDY " she screamed loudly

My heart immediately stopped I ran to the kitchen and saw her on the floor

" baby what's wrong " I said picking her up and sitting her on the chair

" I burned my hand with t-the toaster " she said crying harder

" come on let's put it under cold water " I said bringing her hand to the sink

I let the col water run on it but she kept trying to take her hand out

" y/n stop, we need to get cold water on then we can put some cream on " I said as she nodded just then the door bell rang I went to get it and it was Ashton he came to talk about our next song

" awe what happened y/n " he said passing by the kitchen to see y/n with one hand in the sing and the other hand covering her eyes

" she burned her hand " I said as he nodded giving a soft smile

Y/n and Ashton sat at the table while I went to get cream

Once I came back Ashton was making her laugh

" what's so funny you to " I said smiling

" nothing it's a secret " y/n said smiling

I put the cream on and wrapped it with a big bandage

" thanks daddy " she said hugging me and then Ashton, running to the couch to watch tv because she knew she couldn't be around when we were writing music because we had to focus hard

Michael: (14)

Michael Pov:

Y/n was playing around with petunia when she was playing tug of war with petunia and when y/n went to grab the toy petunia was going for it as well and she bit y/n

" OWWW " y/n said falling back holding her hand as petunia went to her side

" what happened " I said grabbing her hand to see bite marks with a bit of blood

" she bit me but I'm alright she was just trying to grab her toy " she told me getting up going to the sink to wash it off

" I'm so sorry y/n " Luke told her as she just smiled " it's alright she didn't mean it she's a good dog"
y/n said smiling

" ouch didn't it hurt how are you not crying " I asked laughing

" well crying doesn't it make the pain go away so I don't know " she said laughing drying her hand and putting a bandage on

" that's my girl " I said kissing her temple as she ran to go back with petunia and continued playing

Ashton: 3

Ashton Pov:

I was teaching y/n to play the drums when she tried to spin the drumstick with her little fingers she slightly poked her eye

" owie " she said dropping the drumstick and starte to cry

" awe come here " I said holding her and rocking her

" owie It huwts awot " she said crying I holding her eye

" let daddy see " I said taking her hand off and looking into her eye

" it's alright daddy will kiss it better " I said kissing her eye softly making her smile

" all better " I questioned as she giggled and snuggled into my chest

" all better " she said slowly falling asleep

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