pt.19 morning sunshine

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In the morning, Katsuki awoke to light humming and movement in his hair. As his eyes slowly cracked open, he found himself looking at Eijirou, the redhead already fully awake and stroking his fingers through the blond's tangled mane with the most gentle smile anyone's ever seen.

"Good morning, love," Kirishima said to him warmly.

Katsuki scoffs and closes his eyes again, pulling himself closer to his boyfriend's bare chest. "Don't say cheesy shit like that," his groggy voice groans, though, his lips are turned up slightly.

"What would you prefer?" The blond shrugs, honestly having no clue. "Babe?" He shakes his head. "Angel?" Nope. "Cupcake?" Fuck no. "Prince?" Nah.

"Hm," Eijirou thinks for a minute. He smirks and looks down at his boyfriend as an idea comes to his mind.

(I left this here for months and now honestly have no idea what Kiri thought to call him lmao)

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