Pt13. The Not Date

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Once everyone had changed into their gym uniforms, Aizawa had to split them all into pairs. They would be practicing one-on-one without quirks and Aizawa decided to separate them based on how well they get along.

Kirishima happily walked with Bakugou as they went to their assigned section of the gym, (how convenient that they're always paired together, right?). "Bakubro, you excited to go out tomorrow? I got permission, forgot to tell you that."

Katsuki pulled a slight smile, "yeah. You ready to beat each other up a bit?"

Eijirou chuckles as he raises his fists, "absolutely. Hehe, does this count as hanging out?"

Katsuki throws the first punch, the redhead promptly avoids and strikes under his ribs. He huffed as the wind was knocked out of him, "I don't think so." He quickly counterattacks, kicking one of Kiri's feet from underneath him, forcing him off balance. 

"Wha-" he reaches out to try and catch himself, but Katsuki just knocks him down. "Well that was a cheap trick," Ei sits himself up and rubs the back of his head with a raspy chuckle. 

Katsuki smirks and offers his hand, "heh, and you're the loser who fell for it."

The redhead wrapped their hands together and pulled him forward, pinning his wrist down and driving his opposite shoulder to the ground. As he's huffing and leaning over him, he smirks, "who's the loser now, huh, Bakugou?" 

Katsuki's eyes open once the pain of being pulled to the ground faded and his breath hitches. He can feel how little space there is between them, he stares at Eijirou's prideful expression, his shining eyes, stupid, pointy-teethed smile, strands of hair that fell into his face, light freckles that he never noticed before. 

He averted his gaze for a split second before looking back, "dude, get off me.." He tried to maintain his usual tone and was hopeful Ei didn't notice any difference.

Kirishima chuckles and leans back, "c'mon, you have to admit you lost though. I'm not just gonna let you push me around, got it?"

"Tch," Katsuki tilts his head, "I'm not admitting to shit, dumbass. You took advantage while I was gonna be 'nice' and help you up." He gets off of the mat, feeling his shoulders hurt from falling like that.

"What, so you're making excuses?" Ei smiles wider when he whips his head around with a growl.

Aizawa shouts over to them only a second later, "hey you two, enough standing around, get back to it."

The two of them turned to each other again after Kiri shouted an apology to their teacher and they were back at it. The two of them threw several jabs and dodged simultaneously, Eijirou threw in a few kicks here and there. 

This time around they were fairly evenly matched until Kiri missed a punch over his shoulder; Katsuki saw his chance to take his wrist and shove his opposite hand against the redheads shoulder, locking him in a vulnerable position.

"Ah- holy shit, man. Where'd you learn how to do that?" Ei huffed, wrenching his neck to look up at him.

Katsuki let him out of the hold and shook his wrist more comfortably, "just practice," he answered plainly. He heard a chime from his back pocket as Ei chuckled a bit.

The text he sees displayed on the screen is from his uncle: Masaru and I are leaving for The States later today. Be back Tuesday, stay safe, okay? 

Katsuki smiles at the text once he's read it, Eijirou raises his brow. "What's got you all smiley?," he asks, slightly amused.

He put the phone back in his pocket, ignoring Kirishima's teasing note with the relief and grinning slightly wider. "I'm gonna be free this weekend." As Eijirou realized why he was happy, he smiled too.

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