Pt17. Looking Up

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Satsuki was at his side from the moment he pulled the trigger. He did all he could in the moment; as a doctor, he knows that there's a very slim chance that he could survive this and as his uncle he's panicking even more. He pulled the comforter from Katsuki's bed and held it against his head as he he was bleeding out in his arms. 

He fumbled around for a phone in his pocket and through tears and sobbing he dialed 911. Waiting for the paramedics to show up was the worst part, he kept telling Katsuki that he would be okay whether he could hear him or not. His uncle's presence is likely the only way he survived.

It's been five weeks since that night, five whole weeks in the hospital. And Katsuki's eyes haven't so much as fluttered the entire time. Satsuki has stayed with him as much as he could, barely getting any sleep; he only told Eijirou what had happened, he and a few others from their class have visited, the redhead came by the most.

Nearing the end of the fifth week, a Thursday, Katsuki woke up.

His head hurt, of course, and he felt tired as hell. But he tried to push himself up from where he was laying. His eyes were squinted in pain until he realized he was still alive. He gasped and he felt a tug at his wrist, an IV chord, stuck and taped in his arm.

He looked around and saw the clean room, black-screened tv on the wall and a row of counters to his left. When he looked over to the right, he saw the bright window first, then his uncle sleeping in the uncomfortable chair just in front of it.

"I knew you'd fall asleep," he heard a familiar lighthearted voice before a certain redhead walked in the room from his right, facing his uncle.

He stared wide eyed at him for a moment, his thin breath could barely let him speak. "Kiri..shima..."

The redhead dropped the coffee he was holding and whipped his head around. "Katsuki? Katsuki, you're awake!" He rushed over to the bed as tears filled his eyes, "God, I was so scared you weren't gonna make it.. You have no idea how much I missed you."

Bakugou shook his head, getting a headache shortly afterward. "I'm pretty sure I know."

Hearing their voices, Satsuki woke up too and walked over to them, "Katsuki, oh I'm so glad you're awake," he leaned over and wrapped his arms around him gently. "It'll be okay. I promise you, Katsuki, it's okay. Please, please don't ever do that again.."

"Katsuki.." Kirishima muttered, "You have no idea how much you scared us."

Satsuki leaned back and looked over him. Katsuki looked tired more than anything, it took a lot out of him but he was lucky, he's completely exhausted.

"I'm sorry," Katsuki said, his voice breaking, he covered his face, hiding the tears that quickly followed. "I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean- I didn't want to hurt either of you. I wanted to die and I thought dad wouldn't tell either of you so- so I just-"

"Katsuki," his uncle stopped him. "Please, it's okay. Masaru can't hurt you anymore. Uh, while you were out,. child services got involved, the police arrested him again and he went on trial for abuse, they also uncovered everything illegal he's been doing in the military too."

"What?" Katsuki looked up at him. He couldn't let himself believe that.

Satsuki has a soft, pitying smile on his face, "he was put in prison, from now on, you're legally my kid. It's really gonna be okay."

Katsuki didn't know what to do, that was the best news he could ever get, but it felt like a dream. He had literally just been at his lowest point with a gun to his head, how could he ever let himself believe such a good thing could ever happen to him? His tears started falling again, he didn't know what to think, he was so incredibly happy and scared at the same time that it overwhelmed him completely. 

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