Pt6. Blep

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I've been fucking gone for two weeks, the realization hits him like a bullet. Just gone, no explanation to anybody.

He could've been dead and none of them would know. It all just dawns on him what the situation was like from others point of view, at least Kirishima's. There were so many messages from the idiot that Bakugou wasn't even aware of for weeks. And fuck, he left him on such bad terms, yelling and running out of air in his lungs. He wouldn't ever forget how hurt the redhead looked while he was throwing lies at him.

He knew deep down that when he got his device back that there would be texts and calls, God did he know it, but actually reading them filled him with an unfamiliar emotion. Just why had Eijirou and even the others messaged him, worried? He was missed and that was a new feeling that he couldn't put into words. He had no adequate response to any of the texts or even an idea of what he could say after being practically missing and radio silent for two weeks.

So he didn't respond to the messages and decided that he would deal with his classmates when he saw them again. Because now the uncertainty has gone away, and it makes him overly relieved. He doesn't have to keep waiting anymore, he'll be back in school after just two days. Just the weekend. It's relatively short compared to his imagining never returning.

Katsuki decided to lay down on his cot, cautious of his wounds and stared at the wall. 'Talk to me when you get the chance,' he closed his eyes with a deep sigh.

He wished he could get advice, just what to say or do in this situation. His eyes opened again, narrowly, with his brows drawn close and he focuses on a scratch in the metal cabin's wall. Did he think I'd be gone forever like..

"You all right, Katsuki?," Satsuki returned with medicine in hand.

Bakugou slowly sat up again, humming a response, his eyes were focused ahead of him, opposite from where Satsuki is approaching. The latter sits on the edge of the cot and offers up the medicine which Katsuki easily takes down, but he's hesitant when his head is level again. "...Satsuki.." he starts.

"Yeah, what is it?"

Katsuki wasn't sure which of his questions he would ask, they rolled around in his brain for a few moments. 'Are you moving or something?' Gone for good..

"..Do you miss mom?"

It was silent between them for a bit, Katsuki could nearly feel the stare coming from the other. "What the hell kind of question is that?," he shakes his head.

"It's just," he pauses. "You haven't really showed it, and, I know I should try to move on but-" he can't force himself to finish the thought.

Satsuki sighs, pushing some of his hair out of his face, "don't force yourself to move past something that takes time. She was your mom and my little sister, of course I miss her."

"How can you bare it.." His voice barely comes through the words. "It's hard to tell there's anything different with you."

Satsuki thinks, he's got his reasons, but he has to help him here. He sighs, "Katsuki, I'm not ever gonna lie to you, you know that," he says deeply. "So you gotta know that it really does hurt, she didn't deserve any of what happened. There are times when I just wanna ball up and shut everything out, but I've gotta stay strong."

"But how?," Katsuki didn't mean to shout, he takes in more shallow breaths. "How do you keep going and not shut things out?"

"I try not to think about it too much. It's hard sometimes. It gets easier when I think of you, though.


He nods. "Yeah, I can't mourn her death right now."

Katsuki turns to him, his eyes stung, "Just what the hell do you mean you can't? It's hurting you just as much as it's hurting me, so why are you staying here and dealing with dad when you actually have an option to go?"

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