pt15. Moving On

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(New cover, what do we think? Also I just decided to update early)

Kirishima brushed his hand through Katsuki's hair countless times, he hummed to him and spoke calming words to try to help him through his panic attack but nothing would help, it seemed that Katsuki was in another world all together. He still held him though, hugging him tight and trying to ignore the adults fighting just one room away and he wished he could do more for his friend.

In the other room, chairs broke and walls were scorched, both of them aching and bleeding, but still going for their own causes. Satsuki wanted more than anything else to just be with his nephew and help him, but he was also infuriated that Masaru dared even laying a finger on him.

Katsuki had always asked him, "when will it be enough?" And Satsuki thinks that it's now, this time, on this day, it was well past 'enough' and now he's pissed. Yeah, he's pissed and depressed and high on adrenaline to be thinking clearly, but he'll be damned if he doesn't beat it into him that he won't ever touch his son like that again.

Nearly an hour later, Katsuki had completely exhausted himself and fell asleep with his head on Eijirou's shoulder. Kirishima didn't mind, his own tears have dried up and he's now simply watching the other's fighting and hoping it doesn't wake him.

It was about this time that a neighbor had called the police for a noise complaint, the red and blue lights outside caught Kiri's attention just before two officers welcomed themselves and burst through the door. They saw Kirishima and Bakugou on the floor first then heard the racket of the men battling just twenty feet away.

The one whose badge read Sugaochi kneeled next to them while his partner went to break apart the fight and more officers ran in to help.

"What happened? Is he alright?," Sugaochi questioned as he saw Bakugou's state and pulled a small first-aid kit from his belt to dress his wounds.

Katsuki awoke in the back seat of a car, it was nearly silent save for the tires running on asphalt. When he opened his eyes slowly, he noticed it was pitch blackoutside, orange street lights illuminating the car every few moments. He looked to the driver and was relieved to see that it was his uncle.

As he remembered what had happened before he passed out, he nearly started to panic again, his entire life was going up in flames and there's nothing he could do about it.

"Oh. Are you awake?" His uncle's voice ripped him from his thoughts.

Katsuki sat up better and groaned, feeling a sharp pain in his back. "Yeah. Satsuki... what happened?"

His uncle stayed silent for several minutes, his hand tight on the wheel and eyes on the road ahead. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Satsuki sighed, "your father's at the police station right now. He's required to stay in a cell for the next twenty four hours, but the investigation won't get far since his military rank will pardon him. As for you, I'm your closest living relative so I have custody over you until he gets out."

Katsuki stays quiet to process. He's terrified of the moment he'll have to see his father again, he's done so much wrong that he'll probably end up killed, especially if he finds out his friends and Kirishima knows about it all.

He jumps, "wait- what about Kirishima?!"

"I took him home about thirty minutes ago. He didn't want to leave you and he also said that nothing's changed between you two after all this. So don't you dare say you're sorry or feel guilty when you talk to him, okay?"

"Mm," Katsuki nods, he's just glad Eijirou's okay, he has no idea what happened after he zoned out.

He thinks about his father again. Masaru has never liked secrets being kept from him and he always needed things to go along with his rules precisely. So, basically the opposite of everything Katsuki has been up to recently. God, he's gonna kill me. He'll basically interrogate me until I spill everything. I am so fucked. As soon as Masaru has his hands on Katsuki again, it won't be good at all.

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