Pt5. Mission

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It was a few a few more hours before Katsuki was able to calm down mostly and accept reality. He still found himself wondering over to the mirror to see if it was real, but of course, it was.

For a couple days, he just layed on his bed, tossing a stressball, doing make-up assignments from school; when Monday rolled around and the week began, he was practicing his aim at the shooting range daily. This was just another chapter of his life schedule once he got over the party and especially once the hickeys started fading. Still though, without his phone, he had no way to ease his mind from the events of Saturday night and Sunday morning. (He couldn't contact Ei to even try to fix things, if he could.)

Masaru wouldn't let him out of the house on his own either, when they left, they went to the military base and nowhere else, he kept a watchful and grim eye over him at all times. When he couldn't be there himself, he asked (ordered) Satsuki to watch him practice.

"It's just ridiculous," Katsuki had said to him before he fired the gun four more times. The bullets all hit near the center head of his target. "I don't fucking know what to do about this," he complains.

Satsuki watched, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "I'm sorry that I don't know what to tell ya, kiddo," he sighed. "You, most of all, know how controlling your father can be. He makes things difficult when he wants to."

Katsuki didn't like when he heard that, he already knew that. He just fired the gun several more times, doing what his father ordered.

It was a few days over a week before this repetitive schedule came to an end.

His stressball left his fingertips before snapping back to his palm, a solid crease nearly permanent in his brow at this point. His name was called loudly from down the stairs, he turned his head and stayed there for a moment before a sigh warmed his chest and he maneuvered off the bed.

He heads down the stairs expecting his father to maybe say something about his aim for the millionth time, maybe get him to make dinner or whatever.

"Katsuki!," Masaru calls for a second time as he's reaching the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm here," he says as he comes into the living room.

"You need to pack your bags, we're going overseas soon," he says without even lifting his head from his work.

Katsuki can already tell he's going to have to search for more information because what the fuck? "Overseas? Why? Where?," he starts off.

Masaru sighs deeply and looks up to his son. "Belgium. In Europe. You'll know why when you need to know why," he growls as he turns back to his papers. "And before you go all crybaby whining, we are coming back, this is just business."

"When is the flight..?"

"Tomorrow. At six a.m." Short fucking notice, Katsuki thinks, but it's always been last minute when he was told any kind of plans.

Katsuki takes a deep breath. "May I be excused then," he asks at a mumble. His father's too focused on his work and gives him a simple wave to go back to his room.

He feels his stomach sink as he turns and takes the first step away. This last week and a half has already been so difficult for him, now he's got a flight to Europe? Getting used to living without his mother, and now without seeing-

Well shit, he can't avoid it anymore, he just wants to see him. He wants to not be alone and he wants to explain himself and ask for forgiveness and apologize a million times over. The door shutting quietly behind him, he leans against it and remembers the first time he met Kirishima, he talked to him in the locker room and at lunch a lot, until it became normal. He remembered the redhead's ridiculously bright and obnoxious smile. The night he and some others saved him from the league of villains. He hasn't seen the idiot in person or even heard his voice in eleven days, he's counted, it hurts. And god it hurts bad.

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