Pt16. The End

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Wednesday morning, Kirishima waited inside the classroom, he waited to see the blond hair and angry scowl he always saw in the morning. But the bell rang and he never came in. Eijirou wondered where he was and if he was okay. He texted over and over but got no reply and he became increasingly more worried throughout the rest of the day.

At lunch, while he sat with Kaminari, Sero and the girls, Jirou was the first to actually confront it. She sat next to the redhead and bumped his shoulder, "hey, Kiri, I wanted to ask you something."

He looked slightly confused, "Sure, what is it?" He didn't sound as high energy as he usually did and it made the rest of the group worried.

"D'you know what's up with Bakugou? ...he left midday yesterday and now he's not here today. I mean, last time he took a long break, he came back looking really beat up, I'm getting kinda worried."

"Yeah, me too," Ashido agreed, nodding.

The guys shared a look for a short minute, they know that something's going on but know it's not their place to tell. Eijirou sighed, "I don't. I've been texting him, but he hasn't answered me."

"That's weird for him to not be answering you," Mina commented.

"I.." Kiri started, "I'm not too worried about him.. He'll- he'll be here tomorrow." He tried to sound hopeful, he tried to make himself believe it, but something in the back of his mind knew. He ignored it though, he had to have his hope.

Of course though, the blond didn't show up the next day, and he didn't show up Friday either.

Eijirou decided to spend the weekend at home after that, he just wanted to feel the comfort of being in his own room again. He studied to get his mind off things, had lunch with his older sister and had a lighthearted conversation with her.

When night fell though, he was alone with his thoughts, he left his music playing at low volume and stared up at his ceiling. He picked up his phone and went to his messages to Bakugou again.

Hey, just checking in -wednesday, 3:45pm

You don't have to answer, but I hoped to talk to you one more time before you left -wednesday, 3:57pm

Are you going to be here today? -thursday, 9:24am

I miss you. Will you be here next week? -friday, 4:08pm

I'm sorry. -friday, 4:18pm

I guess you were serious about saying goodbye, huh? -friday, 8:32pm

I wish you would at least send one text -saturday, 12:36pm

Sorry -saturday, 12:40pm

He wondered if he was just stupid for hoping that Katsuki would respond, or if he would actually just leave him behind and forget it all. Bakugou wouldn't do that for real, would he? He's too hopeful for his own good. Every time he tries to deny it, it cuts him deeper than the last time.

He does think, for a fleeting moment, that maybe he should try to move on too, but he quickly pushes that aside. It would be a cold day in hell before Eijirou would try to forget about his (at least) best friend.

When he did have to return to school and to his dorm room, the door next to his was open. He looked at his phone quickly, it's Sunday at nearly one in the afternoon. Could now be the time that Bakugou's come back? His heart rose and he felt his face pull into a smile as he broke out into a slight jog to get to the open threshold.

"Bakugou!," he shouted out of excitement. His grin immediately folds when his eyes lay upon the familiar room. Two men he doesn't recognize are organizing and putting Katsuki's belongings into cardboard boxes.

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