Pt7. Dance Dance

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Masaru had Katsuki make dinner for the night and and clean up before the two of them went to their respective rooms. Their meal was spent in silence, as it usually was.

The boy took a quick hot shower before turning in for the night, his head hitting the pillow around ten pm. And although he fell asleep rather early, he still layed in bed until it was nearly noon on Sunday. When he finally rolled out of bed, he found a nutrition bar in the kitchen as a late breakfast before escaping back to his bedroom and starting on the work Aizawa had given him.

The papers and assignment took him a long time to get done and he skipped out on dinner, his father still not back in the house when the hour turned around the clock. It was time for another shower and when he had changed into a comfortable shirt and boxers, and got into bed again his mind was restless. He stared up at the ceiling with his arms behind his head, watching his fan go in circles, like an anxious child on Christmas eve.

Tomorrow. Fucking tomorrow.

His built up and ignored fears were now too prominent to push away anymore, leaving him troubled with anxiety well into the late hours of the night. It's not even a fucking day, now, he thinks to himself, there's not even nine more hours to go before he'll be at UA again. And at UA..

He's asleep before the clock hits two. He gets five hours before his alarm goes off and he's on his feet again.

He stands in front of the mirror before he leaves his room, 'what am I gonna do' runs through his head another time, withal its usefulness. He looks himself over again, as he did in the Wendy's restroom and found his reflection just as repulsive as before.

No point fretting over it now though, he had plenty of time to try to sleep it off and didn't so- off to school. He heads down the stairs and gets his keys, heading towards his imagined-nightmare of a return. He taps his fingers anxiously on the steering wheel the entire drive and stole several more glances of his appearance in the rear-view mirror as he gets closer to the school.

When he finally does get there, after what seemed like all too short of a drive, he looks up at the building through the window and takes a deep breath. He sighs and takes his bag from the passenger seat, leaving his car and heading to class.


Kirishima laughs with Kaminari as they walk down the hallway, both as cheerful as usual after a fun weekend hanging out. After chuckling hysterically at the other's stupid joke he looks up and his eyes fall on one character he doesn't expect.

Denki notices his laughter halt and follows his gaze to the blond speaking to Aizawa. Bakugou hands over several papers, the words exchanged between them too far away to be caught by either of their ears.

And though Kirishima's emotions are overpoweringly strong, Kaminari's the one to move first.


Katsuki sees Aizawa's eyes shift just a second before there's a hand on his shoulder. "Bakugou, oh my god!," Kaminari pulls him forward and throws his arms around Katsuki. Aizawa leaves, having gotten all the papers he needed. "Thought we'd never see you again for a minute there!"

Bakugou pushes him away quickly, "the fuck?! Get away from me dumbass!" And as soon as Kaminari is away from him, another pair of arms are settled tightly around him, less willing to be pushed away. "Kirishima, fuckin' you too?," he starts to push the redhead away without much thought to his words. His heart starts pounding when the idiot doesn't give in and continues to hold him in his arms.

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