Pt14. Struggles

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Kirishima: hey Sero and I are in Kaminari's room right now, bout to play some games, wanna come?

Bakugou finishes getting dressed from his post-workout shower. He dried his hair as he looked for his phone to see the message.

Bakugou: Yeah, I'll be there in a few, see ya

It didn't take him long to finish getting ready and get down there, when he knocked on the door, Kaminari jumped off the floor to answer it. "Hey Bakugou," he said cheerfully, inviting him in.

Katsuki immediately found his attitude odd and was on guard as he stepped into the dorm. "You seem.. happy?," he questioned.

"Hm. Yeah man, why wouldn't I be? I get to hang out with my friends just before we have to get back to classes, y'know!"

"Well yeah but.."

"C'mon man, don't be so stiff, you can sit down y'know?," Sero said from the floor, bringing attention to himself for the first time since Bakugou walked in.

Katsuki took a seat on the floor next to Kirishima while sighing, "yeah, you two are just acting weird."

"You guys wanna play Mortal Combat or Mario Kart first?," Kaminari asked excitedly, ignoring Katsuki's comment.

"Mortal Combat, obviously," Sero voted.

"No, lets play Mario Kart!," Kiri whined, clearly wanting to play the less boring game.

"Bakugou, what about you? You're the tiebreaker." Kaminari held both of the game boxes out to him.

"Mario," he said, making Kirishima jump with excitement and Sero groaned in his loss. Kaminari loaded the console and set up the game for them, passing controllers to each of them.

Bakugou chose to be Bowser, of course using the motorcycle. Kaminari's baby Mario only because Kiri got to regular Mario first and Sero chose to play as Toad for some reason. When they all finally got to the countdown screen, each of them had their fingers ready to pull the trigger and when it got to one, they were off!

Bakugou quickly got to first place, Kaminari close behind him and gaining momentum. It was only when Katsuki slipped up with the controls and nearly hit a wall that Kami was able to get past him. From there, the two of them where going back and fourth trading out of first place.

Meanwhile Kirishima was strongly holding up third place not too far behind them and Sero was a little ways behind the rest.

Bakugou got especially mad when Sero, all the way from the back, threw a green turtle shell and made him lose his place. Most of the special items that they got were used on either Kaminari or Bakugou which meant that the hothead got quite upset fairly quickly.

Katsuki ended up being the one to finish first, despite the long running battle between him and Denki.

The lot of them decided to play a few more rounds and during their third one that was going rather smoothly and boring, Kaminari spoke up. "So Bakugou," he said, Immediately making Kirishima a little upset. The redhead glared from the corner of his eye before looking back to the screen. "I wanna ask you a question, if you feel up to not dodging it." He dropped a banana in game, making Bakugou spin around.

"Kaminari.." Ei warned him quietly.

"Whatever, go ahead," Katsuki said as his bike was facing forward again.

"Why were you all beat up when you came in Monday?"

"Really? Now?" Sero asked, he passed Kirishima, finally making it up to third place in the game they're all only half paying attention to at this point.

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