pt. 20 Coma Short Stories

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Here are some quick little stories that I imagine happened while Katsuki was unconscious in the hospital for nearly two months, mostly about Kirishima :)))))

Kirishima's stomach hurt. His bed was set up against the shared wall of his and Bakugou's rooms and for some reason, he hated that. From the moment Satsuki had called him, he felt immense guilt wash over him and he found himself losing more and more sleep each night.

Before everything happened, he used to savor the moments before he drifted off into sleep where he could hear the quiet ambiance music Bakugou played at night, but now there was only silence.

When the clock hit 1:34 am on this particular night, he decided he wasn't going to be able to sleep for quite a while and got out of bed, leaving his room to retreat to the lounge. When he got there though, he was surprised to find Kaminari and Sero sitting on the couch talking quietly.

He walked over to where they were seated until Kaminari noticed his presence.

The blond bumped Sero's shoulder and nodded to Eijirou. "Hey man, what's up?"

Kirishima swallowed past his fears. He expected to be alone down here, but being with his friends would be a relief. "I couldn't sleep. It's been hard lately.." he rubs the back of his neck and looks away.

"Sit down, man," Denki moves over to put more space between himself and Sero. "I've noticed something off with you the past few days, it's Bakugou, isn't it?"

Kirishima accepts the invitation and plants himself on the sofa in the middle of them. He nods with a heavy sigh and leans over his knees. "Yeah. I feel terrible."

Sero puts his hand on the redhead's back, "don't start blaming yourself, dude. You know that everything that's happened isn't your fault. His dad is just- a monster, you couldn't-"

"It's not that," he shakes his head as his eyes water. He wipes over his face as he sits up. He keeps his eyes wide open to try to dry them out as he breathes heavily. "His uncle called me Thursday evening.."

Denki looked confused with unwavering attention before glancing to Sero who held an equally confused expression. "What did he say..?" he wondered quietly.

All of the pain, guilt, and fear that had been building up inside him swelled in his chest, making it hard to hold back the tears and even harder to keep his breathing natural. "He," he paused there, his tears dampening his eyelashes as he took several quiet and shallow breaths. "He took- he took a gun and-" Several more labored breaths and sniffles as his tears fell. "He shot himself in the head," he sobbed in final.

Kaminari instantly circled him in a hug, allowing Kiri to lean into his chest. "He's been in the hospital for about a week now, but the doctors aren't sure if he's going to pull through. Kaminari- if- if I hadn't been there, or if I had just stayed put," his breath is hitching in his throat as he sobs. "He wouldn't have ended up alone and he wouldn't have-"

"Hey, hey," Denki says, running his hand through his red locks. "None of it is your fault. He- didn't he say he's been going through that shit since he was like five? There's no way that what you did is what pushed him over the edge, alright?"

"Right," Sero tries to comfort him too. "In fact, I'm pretty sure you're one of the reasons he's stuck around so long.."

Even though what the two of them were saying made logical sense, someone in the middle of a breakdown doesn't have time to listen to logic. The layers of regret were too thick for their words to penetrate.


This is the first time Eijirou had come in alone since Satsuki had called him about what happened to the blond. Of course, the redhead had wanted to see him alone before, but well, his nerves always got the better of him.

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