Pt2. Comfort

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Bakugou sighed as he sat back in the car and his eyes were closed for most of the ride back to UA, and his father wasn't joining him this time, thankfully. Satsuki, unbeknownst to Katsuki, gives him several worried glances through the rear-view mirror and only decides to breach the topic of his dying mother when they're almost to the school. "Katsuki, listen," he sees the boy open his eyes and doesn't look too excite about the conversation to come. He sighs to gather his thoughts. "..Losing a parent is hard.." he starts of, glancing to see Katsuki turn his head to the window. "Especially when it's your mother and you'll be left with your father. I know what both of them are like, even though I'm just an attendant and doctor in his eyes.."

He turns to look at him. He's surprised to hear he thinks of himself like that, knowing how much he's done in the past and how much he cares for Katsuki. "What's your point," he sounds more annoyed than he means to, well, he is annoyed, just not at Satsuki.

"You should know you can confide in me by now, kid." He tells him almost instantly, he's very up-front when he wants to be, Katsuki's learned. "When you want to. Whenever it is that you're ready." He pulls up to the school and gives the boy in the back seat a soft, apologetic smile. He has a very warm and soft appearance, one that gives Katsuki a moment of comfort that he appreciates. He manages to tug at the corner of his lips too, just the slightest bit, and gives an accepting nod before he grabs his bag and goes straight-faced again.

The walk back to his classroom was, well, for one very quiet, lonesome. But two, a realization hit him, he has to go back. As he's already walking, his legs mindlessly taking him where he needs to go, it just hits him. He doesn't want to go back, with all his classmates, with his teacher's watchful eye, to a place he has to concentrate, with a million thoughts competing in his mind. It's a heavy realization, one that he should have seen coming from a mile away, but it just hit him like he were a rodent in a game of wack-a-mole. His legs continue to carry him as these new thoughts join the races, and he is wanting nothing more than to turn around and not even step inside, His father probably wouldn't care, he's told him on several occasions that it's a stupid idea to be going to a hero school anyway, so why not?

It's too late.

When he does finally decide turn around, he's already been spotted through the small window in the door labeled 1-A. Aizawa opens it and calls his name, getting his attention. "Are you alright, Bakugou? I honestly wasn't expecting you back in school today, I was sent an e-mail about what happened. I'm sorry about-"

"I'm fine, Aizawa!," he snaps unintentionally. His teacher closes the door as he hears some of the students gasp and gossip from his outburst. "Sorry," he mumbles an apology, Aizawa doesn't even hear. "If you know what happened, then leave me alone," he grumbles, going back to his usual tone, not yelling, but the hint of a growl is definitely present.

"Bakugou, I can leave you alone, but I can't let you stay out here. I'm sorry. If you need a minute before coming back to class, you're welcome to do so. And you can always come talk with me, if you need to." Aizawa lingers for a moment more, eyeing as Bakugou seems to be blankly considering his options. He turns away, pulling the door open when-

"I'll go in," he mumbles, but his words are clear enough. Shouta's shock doesn't show on his face, he simply hums and leaves the door for Katsuki to shut. He doesn't want to be in class right now, heaven only knows. But in that moment of consideration, well, he meandered over a few things. People he'd have to deal with. His mom, of course. Work that Aizawa probably wouldn't force him to do anyway. How much time was left in the day. His mom again. Annoying headaches. His mom. His mom. His mom.

(He couldn't be alone.)

So, he sluggishly walked back into the classroom, pretending as though the last hour hadn't just shattered and crumbled his life to dust. As his eyes admit to curiosity and glance over the rest of the class, it's silent. Every single pair of eyes is staring and following him to his desk. A scoff pushes past his clenched jaw. "Would everyone stop starin'," he barked at the idiots, most of them quickly turned their attention back to their papers. A few though, still studied him as though he hadn't spoken at all. These few included Kirishima, Kaminari, Iida, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, and probably Deku, but he wasn't twisting is neck around that much to see every pair of eyes watching him.

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