Pt3. Party

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Katsuki's tears subside after he buried his head against Kirishima's chest, the redhead's almost sure Bakugou's exhausted himself into sleep. "Hey," he says with little more than a breath in his throat, looking for Katsuki's face as he helped him into standing straight again. "Bakugou.."

"What am I supposed to do.." Katsuki mumbles before he even knows what he's saying. "Just, what- how am I supposed to get through this.?" He doesn't look up to meet Kirishima's eyes, after embarrassingly crying like that and hugging him like his life depended on it, how could he?

Kirishima comforted him again. "You grieve," he says, shrugging slightly. "I know it's going to be terrible, okay, I'm not ignoring that. But you'll have to get through it eventually. So you grieve, for weeks, months, a year or two, however long it takes, and then you can put it behind you."

Katsuki clenches his jaw, just the thought of 'putting it behind him' hurts. How can he just forget this and let it go, it's his damn mom after all; though, he doesn't get angry or blow up because he knows Eijirou meant no offence and he also knows he's right.


"Katsuki, come here! Dinner's ready," Mitsuki called through the house as she placed two bowls on the table.

Katsuki came bouncing down the stairs with a wide smile on his face. "I can smell it, mom! Is it your awesome spicy curry?!"

She nods with a small chuckle. "It is honey, specially made for my little birthday boy," she ruffles his hair as he plops down in a chair.


"All Might saved everyone in a burning building today, did you hear about that Katsuki?," Mitsuki pulls him into her lap.

"Whoa! Really? He's so awesome, one day, I'll be as cool as him! Just you watch me."

She smiled, "I don't doubt you will."


Katsuki skipped, holding his mom's hand with an ice cream cone in the other. He was telling a story to her about playing heroes with his friends, a big smile on his face. Until the ice cream fell off the cone into the dirt.

He stopped and stared down at it, tears welling up in his eyes. "M-momma.."

She smiled and bent down next to him, "don't cry sweety. C'mon, you can have mine." She held out her cone to him. "Don't drop it this time, though."


"My boy is going to the same school as All Might himself, huh? I'm so proud of you honey!," she gushes as Katsuki stares at the acceptance letter. "Masaru, did you hear? Isn't this amazing?!"

He looks up from his papers for a moment and nods, giving a noncommittal hum as response.

Mitsuki wraps he arms over his shoulders, nearly toppling Katsuki. "Jeez mom, I got in. I told you I would, so stop acting so surprised!"

"I know" she kisses his cheek, which he promptly wipes away. "You've got such a strong quirk, I'm glad you're wanting to be a hero. And prouder than ever."


The funeral feels more like a formality than anything else. One of Masaru's top sergeants is speaking at the front of a room, spewing bullshit about how wonderful a person is and worse: that she died a 'hero'. She protected Masaru from being killed and that earned the praise of many under his command.

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