Pt18. Epilogue

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Katsuki slowly got better, emotionally, over the next few weeks. Being free to hang out with his friends made him so much calmer than he'd ever been before.

Just like that night, he wondered how this all started, but now he wonders with a small smile on his face while he watches Jirou absolutely destroy Sero in a game of mortal combat. He thinks back; maybe it was a good thing that Eijirou found out about his quirks, perhaps it was good that he had come over to his place; after all, it had led to his freedom.

Kirishima came back into the room with a handful of chip bags and a large bowl of popcorn. "I've got snacks," he announced, the other idiots cheering as they turned their heads.

"I got dibs on the Takis," Katsuki called out before any of them could grab the bag.

The redhead put down the bowl of popcorn and handed out the other bags of chips, saving the purple bag for his boyfriend. "Here, babe," he handed him the chips and pecked him on the cheek.

Kaminari and Mina looked at them, and both said "aww" while Sero and Jirou were smiling at them.

"Ya know it's weird seeing you happy and less angry all the time, Bakugou," Sero commented.

"Yeah, what's that supposed to mean?" he groaned.

Jirou cut in and answered for him, "nothing, man, we're all just happy for you."

"Blugh," Katsuki fake gagged. "Don't, I'm still the same whether I'm happy or not," he grumbled as he ripped open the bag in his hands.

Kirishima sat next to him and put an arm around his shoulders, "I think we all know that's not true. Since you moved in with your uncle, you've changed for the better."

A nod went around the room, and Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Whatever, just play your stupid games."

Mina got up, adjusting her shorts once she was on her feet, and pulled Kaminari's rolling chair up to the bed. "Hey, you two," she greeted them cheerfully.

"Hey, what's up?" the redhead asked, smiling. Katsuki was watching the screen as Kaminari's character was putting up a fight against Jirou's.

"I was just wondering," she started, "how did this happen?" She gestured to both of them; Katsuki's ears perked up at the sound in her tone. Eijirou blushed slightly, and Katsuki just watched the girl as she glanced between the two of them. "I mean, I know you've had a thing for Bakugou for like, forever, but how did you even ask him out??"

Katsuki smirked and looked at the redhead, "Oh, so am I the last to know you've had a thing for me?" he said in a playful tone.

The others in the room all said "yup" in unison, showing they were listening in on their conversation.

"Come on, you've known at least since the party at Kaminari's. Before that, even unless you're just completely oblivious."

Kaminari laughs, "based on that morning, I'd say he is completely oblivious."

"I'm not oblivious!" he defended himself quickly. "I..." he wonders if he wants to admit this, but as Katsuki looks around the room, he realizes that he trusts them all enough to be vulnerable around them. "I was in a tough spot and didn't want to think about that kind of stuff, so I just didn't see it."

"Sounds pretty oblivious to me," Jirou commented, making Bakugou roll his eyes and groan.

"They're just teasing," Eijirou pulled on him a little bit.

"Yeah yeah." Though he was annoyed getting picked on like that, he didn't let it get to him very much.


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