Pt4. Consequence

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In the morning, Katsuki stirs awake alone in the bathroom, a major headache and a sharp pain in his neck as he sat up from the wall. He sees his shirt against the cabinets under the sink and instantly questions how he got here. "Shit.." he mumbles as he climbs to his feet and pulls the shirt over his head before rolling his shoulders and stretching.

He looks around the corner as he steps to the doorway, the house is quiet, a few mumbling voices in the distance. With no clue what's going on, he follows his ears and leads himself through the badly-trashed house to the dining room. There are four people sitting at the table when he gets there, Pikachu, Aizawa's emo son, dumb-hair, and who he assumes is pink-cheeks with her head laying flat on the table.

"What the hell is going on in here?," he groans with squinting eyes as there's morning sun in his eyes, and ruffles his bedhead tangled hair.

"Oh, look who's finally joining us," phonecharger says quietly, mindful of the headache they all likely have. "Sit down man, I'll get you some Advil and coffee if you want," he gestures to the empty spot next to Kirishima.

"You have fun last night?," Shinsou's the one to ask, but his snarky tone confuses Bakugou. He sips his own espresso as he looks up to the blond.

"Dude, don't," Shitty-hair says in warning, not even looking up to Katsuki yet.

He takes his seat with a sigh, still looking at the mind-control guy with his brows knitted. "The party was okay, I guess," he says, answering the question. "It got a little crazy though, and I definitely drank too much, not as much as her though." Katsuki glanced to the girl who he can't help guess has awoken and passed out a few times already.

No-one acknowledges his comment toward the girl or his calm tone, they're both too confused to. When Kaminari returns with coffee, he reads the atmosphere quickly. Kirishima and Shinsou are staring at Katsuki, because, well, he left out a pretty major part about last night.

"I miss something?," Denki wonders aloud.

"Heh, oh you and him," Hitoshi mumbled, a grin spreading across his cheeks. He's already figured out the hothead's confusion.

"Huh?," Denki and Katsuki hum in unison, glancing at each other. Shinsou nods to the only other awake person in the room.

Bakugou looks to Kirishima for the first time this morning, his stare is blank but his face is quickly growing redder. The realization washes over the redhead like a forceful and crashing wave, he was blackout drunk. And now he's ten times more embarrassed than he was just moments before Katsuki walked in the room.

"Hey. Hey, idiot, what the fuck is he talking about?" Denki then realizes what is going on too as Kirishima snaps out of his gaze.

"Haha, Bakugou, have you seen yourself in the mirror," Kaminari says, holding back a laugh.

Every comment someone makes only confuses him more, the coffee Kaminari brought is unnecessary now, his frustration waking him up. "No, the fuck? Would someone just tell me what the fuck's going on?"

"Here," Shinsou picks up Katsuki's phone that sits in the middle of the table and hands it to him so he could see his reflection.

"Hey, wait-" Kirishima speaks for the first time since Katsuki walked into the room and it draws his attention. He glances to the other two in the room, "ugh, let's talk in the other room alright?"

Katsuki just wants to know what's going on, all this beating-around-the-Bush stuff is really starting to get under his skin especially because it obviously has something to do with himself. He mutters a 'fine', trusting that Eijirou would explain it and tosses his device back on the table before getting up from his seat without another word to the others.

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