Pt10. Unfair

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Katsuki took a few pills throughout the school days, as inconspicuously as possible, usually sneaking off to the bathroom when he felt a headache coming on. This was the only thing out of the ordinary after he blacked out Sunday evening.

He and his group of idiots were on good terms, and though he wouldn't bring it up, he wonders why the others haven't questioned him like Kiri did in the hospital room Saturday. It's good enough for him to guess Ei had told them not to.

Aizawa comes in a bit late Thursday morning, a stack of papers in his hands which he sets at his desk. "Sorry for being late," he mumbles as the class gets ready to work. He seems a bit more unorganized than usual, grabbing papers and reaching across his desk for things. After finally having his things gathered, he stands tall in front of the class. "We won't be doing much today. You'll Take a quiz over your vocabulary you had a while ago and also start reading on page 324 of the Hero/Villain History textbooks to the end of chapter ten. Then after lunch we'll start a new type of training which will likely stretch into tomorrow's schedule. Okay?"

The class was eager to have a new training exercise, like they usually were, most of them didn't even care that they'd have to do a bunch of reading and take a quiz.

"Settle down," he grumbles as they're celebrating. "I'll pass out the quizzes and take up the practice assignment. Be quiet and get a book when you're done," he instructs them as he starts walking around the room, passing out and taking up papers.

Almost two hours later and now they're all out of the energy they had suddenly gotten. All of them, including Katsuki, now have their eyes glued to a page in a textbook, eyelids threatening to fall closed. There was a yawn every once in a while as they read about extraordinary battles that took place back when quirks were starting to appear.

The subject is quite boring to them, when they barely recognize the names of the heroes and villains who were fighting. Sure, there were a lot of casualties and it's important for them to know about this stuff, but not a single one of them had a particular interest in a bunch of old guys' fighting.

After they were reaching the last several pages of the chapter, their perennial boredom finally came to an end. The lunch bell rang and books closed, all of them getting out of their seats and stretching before gathering their things together.

"Alright everyone, once you're done with lunch, head down to the lockers and change into your hero uniforms. I'd like to get through this day quickly, if you don't mind," Aizawa tells the class, getting into his sleeping bag.

Katsuki caught up with Kirishima at the door and stayed quiet as he and Kaminari talked about how boring the assignment was and how they were excited about the training. The other three joined them on the way to the cafeteria, talking while Bakugou kept his head down, only barely tuned in to the conversation.

All of them got their lunch trays and settled down at their usual table. Kaminari seemed to remember something and looked to Sero before starting to tell a story.

"My aunt came over the other day," he began, this story annoyed him. "I heard her and my parents talking and they wouldn't tell me when I asked," he says, eyeing Bakugou who obliviously starts eating his rice.

Sero looks to him then returns to Kaminari. "What kind of thing were they talking about," Mina asked.

"Something weird," he turns to the girl with a sour tone in his voice. "I knew it was something that shouldn't be kept hidden. But they still didn't tell me."

She leans back and crosses her arms, looking to Jirou to get her opinion, she looks just as confused. "You're being oddly vague, Kaminari."

Sero shakes his head and inputs his opinion, "the point is that they didn't tell him, no matter what it was. Don't you know how frustrating it is to be kept in the dark about something important?"

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