Hello-characters. and other things

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Hello, first I'm gonna introduce all the characters!
Also some people I haven't put here but that's cause they just pop up in a few chats not as many as the others.
Freya Nightingale

Everyone!:Freya Nightingale

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Harry Lewis

Vikram Barn

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Vikram Barn

Ethan Payne

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Ethan Payne

Ethan Payne

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Tobi Brown

Simon minter

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Simon minter

Olajide Olatunji/ksi/

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Olajide Olatunji/ksi/

Olajide Olatunji/ksi/

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Manny Brown

Manny Brown

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Gee Nelly:

Talia mar:

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Talia mar:

Joshua Bradley/Josh

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Joshua Bradley/Josh

Joshua Bradley/Josh

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~Is love a myth or blessing~ (Talia mar and Simon Minter fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now