Chapter six-will you...

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Simons POV:
It had been a few weeks now since me and talia last saw each other but I was happy cause we talked on end all day. I planned to take Talia on a date since we had been getting really close and maybe get her to my girlfriend. It was tricky but I booked us a little table in a restaurant in central for a date now just to ask her.

Simonminter- hey tal (can I call you that btw) I have a surprise and was wondering if you could get ready for 5
Taliamar music-oh hey (and yess I love that name) and yes but I would need help so I might go shopping with the gals for an outfit
Simon-ok just text me when your ready or getting ready xx
Talia- wait before we finish talking is this a date? Also should I be casual or dressy? Xx
Simon- ok well I don't mind maybe a bit in the middle but not a big gigantic sparkly dress xx😂
Talia- ok si xx
Simon- aww is that my name xx
Talia- it's cute x

Talias pov:
I came to realise that it was going to be a date and got extra excited now. I quickly texted the girls in our group chat to see if they wanna go shopping.

Snapchat-The qeens
Talia- guyssssss I've gotta date tonight wannna go shopping
Dani- omg yess gurl I'm happy, I'm in!
Freya- yay I'm in tooo!
Gee- no words needed I'm in!
Holly- I love being in this friend group and yes!
Talia- yay meet me at Westfield in around an hour or two just meet me at the west side bench we love xx
All- okie x
Talias pov continued:
I was so happy to have such amazing friends, I also planned that I wasn't gonna tell them who it was until after a while since we aren't a couple yet. I started to get ready and put on a matching black and red set. I decided to only put a little bit of makeup on since I would probably be trying a lot of clothes on. I knew that I wanted to look nice for roaming so I planned on also getting a dress but just a plain colour.

Simons POV:
It was done I asked her and she said yes which I was a bit worried about if I wasn't lying. Then it hit me that I had to tell boys I was going out but not with who. I opened up the group chat and started to tell them-

Simon- hey guys I won't be hear tonight I'm out with someone
JJ-oh my gosh, Simons got another girlfriend
Josh- nahh mate you really like her
Harry- Josh fucking tell us mate
Vik- ok mate well I'm streaming a Kk night anyway
Ethan- ok mate you need to show us this bird you chatting up
Tobi- is it that one girl I know of 😉
JJ- nah fan that's unfair, who the FUCK is sheeeeeee!
Simon- alight mateys I'll be back at around 11-12 so don't expect me

Simons POV again:
They all asked me when I was leaving so I quickly replied with around 6:30 since I was picking her up. I wanted to wait to tell my friends since I didn't actually ask her to be my girlfriend yet. Over the times we met I still knew it was right for us to be together.

At around 5
Talia- Ok I just got back and the girls wanted to stay till you came but I don't tell them it was you, they will leave once your close x
Simon- that's fine just tell me when your finished with your girly stuff and I'll probs on my way x
Talia- byeee x
Simon- bye xx

Talias pov:
I let the girls help me get ready since they were all really kind about this and understood that I didn't want them seeing who I was going out with. They started by giving me not a full face of makeup but enough to look good and then straightened my hair, I put on the dress and nearly cried at how beautiful I was. Then I heard Simon text me he was near so I let the girls go.

Freya/dani/gee/holly all see Simons car pull into Talias building car park and get really suspicious but ignore since Talia had a few really nice girl neighbours he could be here for.

Hour later
Talias pov:
me and Simon walked into a really posh restaurant as the waitress found his reservation and sat us down. I really enjoyed spending time with Simon, I think I was growing to like him

Writers notes
Sorry for dragging this one along nearly and 900 words on one chapter sorry!

~Is love a myth or blessing~ (Talia mar and Simon Minter fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now