Chapter two-Wireless 2017 /part I

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Simon POV:
I was so happy I got invited to wireless this year and Tobi who is in the sidemen with me said he wanted me to meet some girl he lives with. I always knew he lived with a girl but I never got to see her other than when I went over to Tobis one time. I really wanted to see what she looked like so I asked Tobi to send me a picture.
Simon- hey mate wanna send me that pic of that girl you wanted to get me to know... your roomie?
                         Tobi- sure mate I haven't got the best pic but I'll try find one form her ig *sends pic of Talias ig and very cute pic of them together*
Simon- omg. Mate why haven't you told me before! Jk...
                          Tobi- anyway mate she's calling me for help see you  at wireless
Texts end~

Talia pov:
I scream at To I to come help me but he's all over his phone and I get suspicious but after a while I ignore it when he comes to help. He picked me a very nice set for today and I really loved it. The outfit was a red bandana, jean shorts, and a grey boob top. 😌 To j decided to go get Manny once he was done getting his outfit on, he didn't want to go to the festival at first but we persuaded him to come with us.

Simons POV:
We started leaving the house and I stepped in my Uber I had booked I also let josh and Freya join me so we would be there together and not late. We pulled up to the park where the festival was and it was huge there was stage and random shit like a giant vip tent with a bar and beanbags.

Simon:'Fuck, some of us are definitely getting lost in here today!'
Josh:'I think we should stay around the VIP area since we are vips and we will be closer without getting lost.'
Freya and Me both agreed and we got a quick glance of Ethan and Harry pop around a corner so me and Josh went to get them both. Once we had grabbed them two Freya dashed away screaming a name but the music was too loud to hear.

Talias POV:
Me, Tobi,Manny all drove up to the park since they both weren't gonna drink a lot so Tobi could drive us back. I dropped my jaw at how big the place was, it was just lke last year just better! I heard people scream my name until I turned and turned to see two people running to me. I quickly realised that it was Gee and Freya! We all started to look for Dani and Becky (one of my friends too.) we all hugged in a big group and ended up falling on the floor. The rest of the girls knew Becky just a little bit so we were good.

Simons POV:
I noticed that four or three girls were surrounding another girl. I then recognised Freya and Gee in the little huddle. I then went to ask Josh if he knew the girl and he said that he didn't but Freya was he BFF and always had her over when she could, she always was in some of Freya's videos. I then thought that it could be Talia. So my final person to  ask if it was, was Tobi. As I approached him I kindly asked,
Simon: hey what is all that about?'
Tobi: oh hey mate,that's Talia my roommate she knows quite a few of us but not the boys yet!'
Simon: oh my shall I wait till they like get more into the festival before talking to her?'
Tobi: yea mate she didn't have the best time here last year.'
Simon: oh ok...'

Hey guys I'm gonna do another chapter tomorrow sorry

~Is love a myth or blessing~ (Talia mar and Simon Minter fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now