Chapter ten-birthday

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Talias pov:
It was September 5th and all the sidemen and their friends decided for Simons birthday we were gonna have a party at the house. I knew Simon wanted to tell his other friends outside of the house some time and I figured it would be at his party. I didn't plan on getting a giant present for Simon since he told me he doesn't want anything. But when anyone ever says that I know it's a lie so I bought him a small but dainty Cham with the day we met on it. I then wrote a letter that I hid behind the chanson in the box and it said
To Simon,
Thank you for making me happy when I'm sad. I love you and I hope you remember that, I know that your the one and I want to spend the rest of my life with you
Happy birthday!

It wasn't the longest letter but I still thought it meant a lot.

Simons POV:
My birthday was coming up and I knew the boys were throwing a party for me since they had mentioned it to me. I knew this birthday would be extra special since I had Talia with me this year. I then decide to ask Talia if she wants to stay at the house for a few days till my party, so I grab my phone and start texting her
Simon-hello lovey I was wondering if you wanna stay over for my birthday for a few days? Xx
Talia- of course I just need to get one special thing first
Simon- I wonder, bye love you
Talia- haha love you xx

It was all good but what does Talia need to get and why didn't she say what it was. I then figured it would be something I shouldn't know of so I ignored it mostly.

Few days later the 7th
Talia has been staying over for the past few days and today was now my birthday. I noticed that she was still asleep when I woke up so I decided to leave her and scroll through Twitter.

Talias pov:
I wake up to see Simon awake before me which was a change, I lean up to him and kiss him on his cheek lightly. He then puts his phone down and we passionately kiss for a few minutes. Then we hear someone knocking at the door and Simon gets up to let them in. Vik is standing there and wishes Simon happy birthday before saying hello to me too. Once Vik leaves I then realised I should probably get ready and have a shower so I tell Simon.
Talia- hey I'm gonna have a shower I'll be out in a bit
Simon- okk
I get in bathroom and undress quickly then hop in the shower and let the steaming hot water run down my body.
Simons POV:
After Vik left talia went in for a shower and I noticed the door wasn't fully closed so I go in the bathroom silently and undress. I then get in the shower with Talia and we make out for a while before stepping out and drying ourselves off. I then see Talia grab a little box from her bag and hand it to me. It was a little black box with a jewellery brand name I had never heard of.
Simon- what did I say about getting me a present Talia
Talia- it's nothing special I promise, open it
I then open it to see a chain with the date me and Talia met on 7/7/17. I then indicate that I want a hug and she leans in for one and as we separate she points to a piece of paper. Pulling the paper out I read it and maybe one tear sheds.
Talias pov:
I knew he would like the chain. As soon as we let go of our hug I point to the letter and he opens it up to read it. As he finishes reading it I notice a tear drop and I give him a right hug. He then leans in for a kiss as I do to and we again make out for a little while. We then went down stairs Hand in hand and walked into the kitchen and smelt Tobi making amazing pancakes.
Simon- thank you mate (he says as Tobi hands him a plate full of them)
Tobi- it's alright, happy birthday too
Ethan/JJ/Harry/Josh all wish Simon happy birthday too. Then we all just sit down and talk for a while in the kitchen until the house starts setting up for the party.

Several hours later...

Hey again sorry if this seems like a long chapter I got too into it and couldn't stop again but I will again have to drag this one on to another chapter

~Is love a myth or blessing~ (Talia mar and Simon Minter fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now