Chapter four-the morning

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Talias pov:
I wake up before Simon and decide to just lye on my phone scrolling through Twitter for a while. I then headed to Simons bathroom and washed off the makeup I forgot too from yesterday.
Simon: hey your awake
Talia: yea sorry if I woke you
Simons POV:
I then head down the stairs with Talia and notice Freya and Josh making breakfast in the kitchen. Then Freya pulls Talia away into another room. I wondered what they were doing.
Then me and Josh just chat for a while until he asks me
Josh: mate I can tell you like Talia stop tryna hide it
Simon: mate stop catching me in the open
Talia and Freya-
Freya: gurl what happened tell your bestie
Talia: ok fine well nothing really he just took me here and we slept in the bed but nothing happened
Freya: yes girl told you you were gonna like him
Talia: wait how did you realise I liked him
Freya: I just know you too well betch
Talias pov:
Me and Freya realised the boys were probably wondering were we are. So we walked back into the kitchen and talked as friends in a group.  I talked to Simon and asked if he could drop me off at my flat and he agreed too so I went and got my outfit from yesterday.
He then took me home and we exchanged numbers and snaps to chat more.

Writers notes
Sorry for the short chapter yet again

~Is love a myth or blessing~ (Talia mar and Simon Minter fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now