Chapter 15- Going public

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Talias POV:
Today I decided that I wanted to talk to Simon about going public. I knew that for a while we wanted to be private, this was because Simons fan base wasn't that welcoming. I guess it crossed my mind that I wanted to announce it. I thought that it would be nice to ask Simon at my place since the other guys would be there and I wanted time to talk to him alone. So I texted him.
T- hey Si, I wanted to know if you wanted to come over later in about 10/20 minutes.
S- yes I will be over, let me just tell the boys I'll be out
T- ok I can't sit to see you love youu
S- I love you to tal
Simons POV:
I quickly put on some sidemen clothing and went to tell the boys where I was going. As I was walking down the stairs I saw Josh and Freya in the kitchen it looked liked they were busy so I went to tell JJ first. I knock on his door and he opens it, I notice that when he gets up the bedsheets move. I brush it off cause JJ has girls over all the time.
Simon- hey mate I'm going out I don't know when I'll be back
JJ- ok mate text me if your coming back or not
Simon- sure mate bye
I leave JJs room to tell Josh and Freya. I thought it was rude to interrupt but it looked like they finished talking so I went up and said hello.
Simon- hey guys I'm leaving I'll text when I'm coming back if I am
Josh- Oi mate good time with Taliaaaaaaa
Freya- you weren't supposed to say anything oh my Josh
Simon- what? Wait? Huh?
I just start walking out the door and just think nothing of it. I get into my Tesla and head my way to Talias.
Talias POV:
I hear my door go and I go to let him in. I notice he doesn't have the happiest face he normally does so I ask him.
Talia- hey you alright your here now?
Simon- so great and a josh know before me. Huh?
Talia- oh oh I told them you were coming over nothing special, ok well maybe a little bit spilled or Freya but she's too persuasive.
Simon- ok well I get you, Freya is a little bit to me to
I then guide him in my my flat. I sit him in the living room.
Talia- hey Simon would you like a drink, I've got coffee, tea, red bull , monster?
Simon- red bull please tal
Talia- sure here (hands him drink)
Simon- so what's happened what did you tell Freya
Talia- ok Simon, I just need to talk to you a bit so is it ok if you listen to me?
Simon- yes for sure
Talia- ok, well I just wanted to say we've known each other for so long now and I feel like it is difficult to keep our relationship private since we both love one another so much. I just wanted to say that I love you and wanted to ask if we could subtly go public, so like post one picture of us together on both our IGs?
Simon- tal of course I was going to ask you actually too but I guess we both had the same idea so do you want to choose the picture I use.
Talia- sure
Simons POV:
I fell like sometimes me and Tali can read eachothers mind. I just loved her to the bottom of my heart and was so glad she asked me this. I let her pick the pictures we both use no reason particularly I just think that it would be cute. I hide my phone close to my face while typing the caption. I use the caption 'I'm doing this to get more likes than her' as soon as I upload it I see a notification already and she had already liked it in a minute of posting it. She smiles and kisses me passionately and pulls me into a hug. We sit with her head in my chest before she suggests we watch tv but stay in this position. I agree and we end up watching friends which we both love.

One hour later
Talias pov:
I hear my belly rumble a little bad Simon notices and asks if I wanna get food. I obviously say yes and we decide on a little cheeky Nando's. I insisted on paying but Simon always gets the better of me and pays anyway. I then pull my phone out and text Freya saying that it was alright. I smile and look up at Simon. I then a gift my way up his body so I'm in the cervix of his shoulder. He starts texting his group chat I figure he's gonna tell everyone he won't be back tonight.
*the troops*
Simon- hey boys won't be back tonight so you can all be free without me there
Josh- I know what's going onnnn
Jj- ok but how and Josh mate you sound like a girl
Harry- ooo Simons at his girlfriendsssss
Tobi- alight mate but we got filming tomorrow NO forgetting
Simon- ok I won't forget Tobi
Vik- I'm streaming again anyway so it's fine
Ethan- ay Vik when you gonna stop streaming ever!?
I see Simon chuckle a little before kissing my forehead and cuddling me more. The doorbell goes and I go get it as it's our food.
A while later
We finish our food before we both get a little tired.
Simons POV:
I feel a little tired but decide I wasn't going to fall asleep yet. I then cuddle up to Talia and notice her falling asleep to, I then ask her if she wants to go to bed and she nods her head while yawning. I turn the tv off and carry her into her bedroom which I knew where it was since I had been here before. I lay on the bed while she goes in the bathroom. Once she comes out I head in the bathroom and walk out or see Talia standing naked and getting into bed. I stare and smile.
Talia- Simon is there something on me or is my face up here.
Simon- oh sorry just staring at someone I love.
I kiss her lightly before getting undressed and heading into bed with her too. We both nestle into each other and fall asleep quite quickly.


Hey guys sorry for not writing for a long time I was in hospital with a broken ankle but I'm fine now so I'll try why a few chapters in. :)

~Is love a myth or blessing~ (Talia mar and Simon Minter fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now