Chapter twelve- ready?

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Talias pov:
I decided that I was going to stay at the sidemen house for longer. Today me and Simon didn't plan on doing anything except from editing a few videos since we both are you tubers. I didn't upload as much as Simon since he had more subs than me and obviously wanted to get more videos out for them. I woke up in bed with Simon still asleep so I scrolled through Instagram and Twitter before he woke up. Once Simon woke up we spoke for a bit until he got up and went to the bathroom to get ready.
Simon- hey babe
Talia- hello babe
Simon- I'll go get ready so I can get editing quicker for you to ready
Talia- ok
I quickly pull him back down for a kiss before letting him go and going back to scrolling through my phone.

Simons POV:
I didn't really have the time to have a shower so I just decided to leave it till later. Once I finish brushing my teeth I find just a plain sidemen hoodie and shorts and put them on. I then step out the bathroom to see Talia scrolling through her phone before picking her up bride style and spinning her around
Talia- AHH Simon (as she playfully slaps his shoulder)
I let her down as she kisses me and we make out for a while before I let her go in the bathroom to get ready. After a few minutes I hear the shower turn on and then started to hear Talia sing. I was blown away by her singing I didn't know she was this good, I mean I knew she sang but not THAT good. I then didn't want to ruin her vibe so I start to edit.
Talias pov:
I knew that it was a bad idea to sing as no one really listened to my singing except Tobi and Manny but I ended up getting way to carried away with it. I then start to step out the shower and dry myself off before putting on one of Simons hoodies I found. As I leave the room I see Simon already at his desk and as soon as I make the slightest noise he spins around with a smile that reaches his eyes (not a momo reference btw.)
Simon- woah!
Talia- what? Was I bad? Oh you heard?
Simon- wait, wait you were amazing don't worry
Talia- sorry I have a habit of not having that much self confidence
Simon- hey, it's fine we all do sometimes (he runs and hugs me tightly) I'm always here if you feel down ok
Talia- awwwwe (as I laughed a little)
Simon- hey! Is that my hoodie?
Talia- oh sorry, I would take it off but.. anyway
Simons POV:
I didn't actually mind that she was in my jumper she looked really cute in it since it went past her knees. I then start to get a bit hungry and asked talia if she was too and she nodded and gives me a loving warm peck. I grab her hand and pull he out the room to go get some breakfast. As we walk downstairs the door bell goes and Josh runs to get it and turns out they ordered McDonald's for everyone in the house. Some reason they knew Talias order, but then I remembered that Freya was here and they wwerree besties. The rest of the house invited into the kitchen and we all sat down and ate.
JJ- I like your jumper Talia (laughing and staring at Simon)
Josh- yes yes very nice Talia
Harry- I think I know that it's from...let me
Simon- wow very funny, great plug Harry. But I don't know to be honest.
Simons POV:
The rest of the day we all just sat and talked especially Talia and Freya, who edited again together. I just continued to edit and woke all day. I then got quite hungry and went to ask everyone if they wanted Nando's. I was went to ask them but JJ and Vik already had the idea and asked everyone for their orders.
An hour later
Our food came and we ate it fast together then we noticed it started to get dark and me and Talia head upstairs and into my room. I let Talia get ready first she comes out fully naked and I stop in shock.
Talia- Simon my eyes here
Simon- oh sorry just looking at my sexy girlfriend

Talias pov: I push Simon onto his bed and make out with him for a while before taking his top off and making out with him while fiddling with his belt. Once I undo it I pull his trousers and pants down. I then feel out naked bodies touch as Simon flips us over so he's on top and develops a boner quickly as I kiss him. He then moves down my body to start licking me clean from my pussy. I then decide that I want to be on top so I flip him and start to give him a blowjob and feel his warm cum slide down my throat. I then sit on top of him and start riding him. I then slowly moan before Simon puts his hand over my mouth so no one hears.
Simon- oh Tal
Talia- Simon, I might cum

Then after we both cum on each other we lye back down on his pillows and I cuddle into him and we drift off to sleep.

~Is love a myth or blessing~ (Talia mar and Simon Minter fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now