Chapter eight-telling everyone took a turn

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Ok so first I just wanna say thank you for reading this story and enjoying it as much as I am writing it. So funny story I actually am quarantined right now but I will be back out in two weeks so maybe I'll write a bit more to keep on track. So enough of that I just again wanted to say thank you! ❤️
I'm also gonna add a tiny bit of smut but I will address it so you can skip it.

Talias POV:
I woke up before Simon so I just started scrolling through Twitter and stroking his hair. Eventually after about 30 minutes of being in that position Simon woke up and lifted up my chin to kiss me. We stayed kissing for a while until we heard a knock on the door.
Simon- who is it?
Jj- Oi it's me
Simon whispers toe yo hide in his bathroom as he lets jj in.
Jj- hey mate I was wondering if you wanted to film today just a little video maybe in a bit.
Simon- sure lemme just get ready and I'll be there
I then hear Simons door close and I walk out the bathroom to realise it wasn't actually the best timing as JJ was actually in Simons room now. I guess he was looking for something I must've missed it. But at that point I knew JJ saw me.

JJ-omg Simon...talia..?
Simon- fine mate what you wanna say
JJ- I don't know mate but like congrats I guess
Simon- ok mate now grab your things and I'm gonna tell everyone anyway so don't let anything out
Talia- I'm sorry I thought he left.
Simon- it's fine we needed to tell them soon anyway so what a way for jj to know first.
Simons POV:
I went and told talia it was fine and she didn't realise. I then hugged her closely as she dragged me on the bed and payed on top of me for a while as we kissed. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, she was perfect. Me and talia signal each other that we should probably go downstairs now and try to make it as obvious as possible so there was less explaining. We walked down the stairs hand in hand as we both smiled and knew that this was the right time.
Talias pov:
I notice Freya at the bottom of the stairs smiling and then she whispers to us 'good luck' I then hug her and continue to walk hand in hand with Simon. We then get up to the kitchen where everyone is and Simon sits down so I sit on his lap gains making it obvious. Then Josh mimicked and 'awweee' which got everyone asking questions.
Jj- so wit Josh knows before me
Ethan- wait so wait what
Vik- mate I knew I heard some girl in your room
Tobi- Talia I knew it! Hah!
Harry- I haven't slept in days I don't have enough energy to comprehend this
Jj- fuck off when is someone gonna tell me
Josh- Simon I knew you were gonna tell them soon
Simons POV:
Talia let out a little laugh as I could tell she started to warm up to my friends a bit. I then told them all to calm down and that we had just started dating and wanted to keep it away from the public for some time and that made JJ feel less betrayed. I then wrapped my arms around Talias waist as she was sitting on my lap. Then the doorbell goes and there's some man in all black and hands Josh (who opened the door) a package with Talias name on it.
Talias pov:
The doorbell went and Josh went to get it, he then handed me something and I said
Talia- I didn't order anything tho
Josh- that's weird maybe it's form someone you know.
Talia- I haven't told anyone this address yet
All the sidemen looked at me worried as I started to open it and realise who it was from. My ex sent a box with a letter in it. I quickly read it and ran into the spare downstairs room.

Random POV-
All the sidemen stared at Simon in the kitchen and told him that he should go see what was wrong and they tried to look for something else in the box.

Talias pov continued:
I felt a soft tap on my shoulder and saw that they were in an all black tracksuit and realised it was Simon. Knowing it was him I cuddled up into his chest tightly and cried my eyes out. I finally let myself out his chest and slowly handed him the letter. He read it in his head.

Simons POV:
I let her stay in my chest for a while and cry I knew it's what she wanted to do until she lowly let go and handed the letter over and I read it...

Dear Talia and her snobby friends,

        Talia is mine and will always be she still loves me deep down and I love her all around. My shrine needs one more picture of her and that will be taken tomorrow, I will r*pe your friend and take with me, we will move to Canada I will change her name legally and mine we will live there and have a family.

Stop being all soft cause tomorrow TALIA IS MINEEEE

from your long lost ex

Writers notes
Sorry it got very intense quickly but again this pry has a joint part I will finish  soon. Thank you for reading and this chapter it's send has neatly IK because sometimes I get way to carried away when writing. If anyone actually makes it this far thank you so much for reading it and not giving up halfway through of it all. Like I said writing makes me happy.

Omg lookkkk

Omg lookkkk

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~Is love a myth or blessing~ (Talia mar and Simon Minter fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now