Chapter five- date?

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Talia: thank you Simon
Simon: it's fine
Talia and Simon POV together:
I really wanted to kiss him/her it just felt so right, I had never felt the same before. I knew they were the right thing for me.
Talias POV:
I noticed Simon leaning in so I decided that I knew what was gonna happen and I knew what I wanted to happen. As I leaned in I started to kiss Simon softly and we stayed and made out for a while until I pulled us apart but keeping our eyes in lock to start speaking
Talia: Simon... that was
Simon breathes in to finish my sentence and it's like he read my mind
Simon: amazing I know

Simons POV:
I just felt that she was right for me and I was prepared to be with her for as long as I live. I started to finish her sentence as I saw her face light up with happiness as we both leaned in gain for a small but loving peck on the lips. I then saw that Talia was preparing to speak back up again.
Talia: Simon I was wondering if you wanted to stay over I could probably use some company, especially from you
Simon: I would love to I just quickly want to tell the boys so they don't wonder where I am, but the answer is yes
Talias pov:
I wanted Simon to stay, I get that after today he kind of needs to in a way. I hugged Simon as we both hopped out his car and headed towards my building. I told Simon it was ok if he wanted to tell the boys he was somewhere.
Sidemen group chat
                                      Simon-hey boys I won't come back home tonight I'm staying somewhere
JJ-ohhh is Simon at a girls house
Harry-ok mate but we are filming tomorrow so don't be doing anything tiring
Josh-I think I know where our friend is...
JJ-telll ussssss
Tobi-I think me and Josh both know over here
Vik-oh lord I'm tryna stream and my phone is blowing up
Ethan-gosh Simon let's hope nothing happens
                                   Simon- bye boys my roomie for the night is asking for meee
Simons POV continued:
I laughed as jj/Harry/Ethan/vik all kept asking who it was until we said our last texts for the night. Talia held my hand and hugged me and pulled me in her apartment which surprised me.
Simon- woah, nice place
Talia- thank uuu, something's worked well
Simon- what is that meaning
Talia- well there are few outside projects, like i do have a YouTube channel surprisingly.
I knew Talia had a YouTube channel and done something else but had forgotten, Tobi and Manny tweeted when Talias new song (song?) came out. I was just quite surprised that such a shy girl was singing but I couldn't judge that yet

Writers notes-
Hey everyone so I know this isn't the most exciting story but I enjoy writing and it helps me get away from my problems but I wanted to tell you that this chapter won't be dragged on so the next one will be different.

~Is love a myth or blessing~ (Talia mar and Simon Minter fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now