Chapter one-The morning

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Talias POV:
I woke up a just about 7 today, and that wasn't the nicest thing but I was soo happy, today was wireless and last year I kind of routines it for Tobi when a creepy 30-40 year old man tried hitting on me. That made Tobi take me back to our flat and I still feel guilty to this day. J squealed and jumped as I walked into the kitchen to see Tobi cooking breakfast and it smelt amazing.

Tobi:'ooh someone's excited today, I wonder why?'
Talia:'I'm just soo happy that I get to to wireless again!'
Tobi:'I don't blame you, now go wake up Manny he probably would love some pancakes.'
As I say grabbing Manny's spare key (he lived in the same hallway as me and Tobi) I knocked on the door but it was no use so I just unlocked the door finding his room. I shouted out his name and heard a little grunt coming from his pare room. I walked in there and saw Manny, it was unusual to be honest.
Talia:'Manny why are you in here?'
Manny:'ugh, my bed doesn't have a sheet on the now.'
Talia:' oh gosh Manny, anyway To I had made blueberry pancakes for us!' I paused and heard nothing move 'MANNY!'
Manny:'fine I'm coming!'
I finally dragged him out of bed and we just talked all morning about wireless while enjoying Tobis magnificò pancakes.

Writers notes-
Hey guys hope you are enjoying so far I plan on writing a chapter every other day or two a day, I would love if you commented some tips! ❤️

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