{Part~193} the first confession

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Hi guys! I am here again for the chapter you are all waiting for. and finally the match between the two teams is over but actually when Aomine came back to herself I was crying as I was writing that scene! so let's start reading

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Author~chan's POV~

"don't worry, she just lost consciousness due to fatigue" Kagami interrupted and who was back to himself just like Aomine, Aomine stopped shaking kuroko's body and looked at Kagami like a missing child

as they stared at each other, Kagami's eyebrows furrowed as he saw tears streaming down Aomine's cheeks like a waterfalls that never stopped, and he felt disgusted when he saw Aomine now crying in front him

and all his life he had never seen Aomine cry like this and he was not used to it, he felt that Aomine was really back to himself. he is no longer like before as if they were monsters fighting because of a prey

"can you wipe your tears? I hate just seeing you like that" Kagami spat angrily and approached Aomine to help kuroko, but before he could hold kuroko's hand to lift her body, Aomine wiped her tears quickly and pushed Kagami's hand away.

"I will carry Tetsu's body to the Infirmary" Aomine replied and lifted Kuroko's unconscious body like a newlywed

Kagami just sighed and nodded, he can't stop Aomine anymore and this is all he can do to pay for the sins he committed against kuroko

He just nodded and patted Aomine on the shoulder with an annoying smile on his lip

"welcome back, Ahomine" Kagami chuckled

Aomine just shook his head and kicked Kagami's knee, which he misses to be happy like this, he feels his heart will explode with joy when he returns to himself, as if little by little he forgets what he did

and little by little he hugged kuroko's body became too overprotective, as if he did not want to let go of her body just like before, he did not want to lose kuroko's presence next to him, and even more he did not want to leave kuroko . he wants them to always be together just like before

'I will not leave you, I promise that' thought Aomine

"go to the Infirmary, I will take care of them" Kagami replied while pointing to his entire team who were still having fun inside the court as they hugged their three teammates as if there was no tomorrow.

while they are forgotten, well he will just let them have fun first because they deserve to be happy. especially if they beat the strongest team

Aomine just nodded and slowly walked out of the court he did not know that someone was looking at him in the distance, Akashi, his red eyes were full of anger and jealousy when he just saw that Aomine was carrying kuroko's unconscious body in his own arms

and not only that, he was very disappointed with Aomine. He thought Aomine would beat a weak team like the Seirin team, but no, if he only knew it would happen he should not have gone to watch the match between the two teams, he just wasted his time, and he did not want to feel that way he just wants to kill someone out of anger

"tsk, I just wasted my time on this useless match" he whispered under his breath

He slowly stood up in his seat as his head lowered, but it was noticeable in the darkness of his face that his eyes glowed with anger and his hand clenched hard.

he is so disappointed that he wants to kill, he does not care if anyone sees him or not, he just wants to get rid of the anger he feels now

"let's get out of here" he declared that there was a venom in his voice that also gave chills to his other teammates especially Reo who just looked at Akashi with an awkward smile on his lip

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