{Part~158} Touo vs Seirin part~33

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Hi guys! I am here again for chapters that you all have been waiting for, I know you are excited about what will happen next. and others are saddened by the flashback where you will find out what exactly is the reason why Kagami and Riko left Teiko and left kuroko, and I am also saddened

soooooo~ let's start reading!

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Author~chan's POV~


Kagami's shout was heard throughout the court leaving a shock to the other spectators, his legs suddenly running alone towards kuroko as one hand reached out to her. the two eyes showing terror were lost and replaced by courage and anger. 

he was relieved to see that all the members of the Seirin team were working to save kuroko. he did not know if he would be happy or saddened by what his friend had done. and he did not think that they would put themselves in harm's way just to save kuroko from Aomine and others. he knows that they also like kuroko like him and he has no problem there. because he knows that they will all do everything just for kuroko and they will not hurt her feelings. especially Riko. he still remembered what Riko was saying even in her own eyes. he saw that there were tears in her eyes there was begging. he knows that he is too rude to Riko and sometimes they do not get along and their fight even goes to the beating. and throughout his life he also became comfortable when he was with Riko, he also considered her sister. but even though he agrees he loves Riko who is a sister to him and he also does not want to see Riko hurt as well as others

it's okay for him to hurt his whole body or feelings, as long as he doesn't see that everyone is having a hard time and suffering. because he did not want to see his friends like that. even if he dies for them he would rather fight this war than give up and beg others with remorse...

"don't touch her!" Kagami roared at Aomine and pulled Kuroko and hugged her tightly, the two eyes blazing with anger glared at Aomine deadly while both hands hugged kuroko tightly

Aomine who was about to touch kuroko's face did not continue when he noticed that Kagami was angry and suddenly pulled kuroko into a tight hug, his hand clenching in anger and jealousy as he saw it right in his face Kagami hugged the one he loved the most. his surroundings darkened even more with a smirk on his lip

everyone watching was also surprised by what happened they noticed that there was a mess going on inside the court, their eyes were surprised when they saw the reason why Kagami and Aomine were fighting, others smiled and they thought they all seem to see only Kdrama. that two guys are fighting for a girl who wants to win her heart. it's just funny because other people have already photographed the three without knowing and permission. but some are confused and do not know what is happening

while everyone is still shocked by what happened, Kagami and Aomine are still staring at each other as if they are going to kill each other. their two hands clenched in anger while kuroko was still shocked while in Kagami's arms, her head was in Kagami's chest and her two hands were holding tightly to his jersey while her eyes were focused on other members of the Seirin team who was staring at them in the distance

while Hyuga, Izuki, and Kiyoshi are behind Kagami who also glares at Aomine back, but in reality, they are also shocked and scared because they did not think that Aomine would return to get kuroko. and all they thought was Aomine withdrew. but they are all wrong

"Nani?" Aomine's two eyes narrowed towards kuroko and he noticed that kuroko was not moving which she thought she was still shocked by what happened

"you know? you are so much a hindrance and a pest in my life that I feel like I want to beat you over and over again until you beg me to stop, but I think I am wrong. you are interfering even more. I don't care if you are one of the members of Kiseki no Sedai like me and I do not care if you are also Tetsu's second light. as well as your worthless teammates who are interfering in this war even though they do not know what really happened. what about Riko? just like you. she is worthless, all of you are worthless for Tetsu I do not know why she chose your team. the funny thing is that Tetsu even chose you to be her light..."

Aomine chuckled and looked at all the members of the Seirin team with a smirk on his lip, he saw that they were all surprised by what he said. his eyes were happy to walk around the court wanting to tease Kagami and the others

"you are so innocent and kind Tetsu so even you are infected because of them, I just can't really imagine that you chose them over me. I was your first close friend when we were all in Teiko! and I was also your first light! I am always by your side when you have a problem! even Bakagami, Kise, Midorima, Murasakibara and Akashi are always busy or not! and ... and ... even in my whole life, I have never heard you tell me that you love me. you are always with Riko and Bakagami and you forgot about me like a useless thing, you also moved to another school to get away from us and join another team to fight us. you are so stupid, you are so stupid because you did not see my love for yo--

"Love?! love for her?! do you call that love? Are you kidding me?! in the past year you only think of love? you are so selfish! if you see yourself struggling and hurting, do you see kuroko-Kun's situation? no! because you never looked her in the eye! you never know that she is struggling to get back to normal! you do not see her hurting her own feelings for all of you! you are all blind! if you call that love for me no. you always think of your own well-being and always want to get everything you want, while kuroko-kun makes away and always works hard to practice so that she can beat you all, she wants you to love your favorite sports again, she wants to be with you as a team again and win with all of you, is that hard to accomplish? Is that difficult to understand? yes I am just a coach but do not say that you are suffering because when you all separated kuroko is the one who was suffering and hurting" 

 you always think of your own well-being and always want to get everything you want, while kuroko-kun makes away and always works hard to practice so that she can beat you all, she wants you to love your favorite sports again, she wants to be with...

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