{Part~164} Touo vs Seirin part~39

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Hi guys! here I am again for some chapters you are all waiting for, sorry if I didn't update yesterday because there was a little problem that happened on Wattpad so I just updated now, so let's start reading!

don't forget to vote!



Author~chan's POV~

all of them fell silent as they heard what kuroko said, their eyes widened in shock and their mouths opened. they did not know what kuroko thought and just said that to all of them. they felt their hearts beat faster and their hands trembled. especially Riko who was staring at kuroko back, she did not know what their Phantom was thinking. but betray her? she could not do that. they can't do that, why would they betray kuroko like everyone else? why would they hurt kuroko like everyone else? even throughout their lives they did not think of betraying kuroko, hurting her, or leaving her alone, because they could not do that. they love kuroko too much to do all that. they will not destroy their trust in each other. and even more, so they will not hurt kuroko's feelings like the others

kuroko is so innocent for all of them that you will feel that you cannot hurt or betray her, she is kind, she is polite, she is hardworking. and for a girl like her, she is perfect, nothing more than her, and nothing more than her personality

so why would they betray one and their most beloved Phantom? they can never hurt or leave kuroko for something worthless, they love their Phantom so much and they don't want anyone to take her away, she is too innocent and needs to be protected, they don't care if they still need to imprison kuroko in a room as long as no one just took her. but they can't do that, because they know that kuroko can handle herself ... but they just can't really watch kuroko hurt or suffer because their hearts ache

they love kuroko wholeheartedly, they love her personality and everything about her. and they are lucky that kuroko chose them all over her former teammates

"will you betray me too? like them? that left me aside like a worthless thing?" kuroko asked again that there were still many tears rolling down her cheeks

her whole body was shaking and her sniffing and sob could be heard, her two arms were still held by Izuki and Kagami. he did not try to struggle. she did not shout to release her. nothing, she did nothing. she did nothing to change Riko's decision, she did nothing to let go of her two friends who just looked at her with pity, nothing really, she really did nothing

she feels that she is feeling heavier, she feels that she is about to fall, she feels that others are looking at her with pitying eyes, she feels that she will be eaten little by little

she feels

she feels

she felt she was tired

she is tired of suffering

she is tired of always betraying

she was tired of hearing all the lies being told to her

she just wants to sleep forever, maybe it would be more peaceful if she did that for a long time, she wanted to rest, she wanted to rest away from this pure false world


just maybe

when she disappears from this world, will everyone be happy?

yes, others might be happy

"what are you saying kuroko-kun?! all my life I have never thought of hurting you or leaving you! all of us! we never thought of that!" Riko shouted with anger in her heart

everyone was also surprised when she shouted, they did not think that Riko would be too angry in front of kuroko. and only now did they see that Riko was angry with kuroko, no, not angry, she was just worried about kuroko's condition so she was like this

"Do you suspect we will do that to you? Do you think we will betray you?! Do you think we will hurt you for no reason?! We know you've been through a lot! but why do you look at us like they do? Remember kuroko-kun even in our whole life we will not do that to you! even if I die or we are now we will not betray you--"

"if not! let me play on that court!" interrupted by kuroko

"if you will not betray me, why do you not allow me to play? why don't you listen to me even once!" Kuroko yelled and she tried to escape from the hands of her two friends again

everyone tried to approach her but she just glared, she did not want anyone to approach her, she did not want to look at others first, she was ashamed, she was ashamed of what she was doing now

she just wants others to listen to her, is that hard to understand? she just wants to play because she wants to win this match. she wants them to fight the other team together, and she wants to fulfill what she promised everyone, she wants to win this Winter-cup for the sake of them and others ... but why is it difficult?

seems to be getting worse

"I just want you to listen to me even now, I want to play and win this match, I want to defeat Aomine-kun with all of you, I want to beat the other members of Kiseki no Sedai with you all. I joined this team because I want to fulfill my own promise, I want to defeat all members of Kiseki no Sedai. I also promise all of you that I will make you great players all over Japan. but if you just let me sit on this bench and watch my teammates suffer, it's okay with me ... it's better for me when I disappear from this world than for me to just look at all of you doing nothing"

Kuroko stopped speaking and chuckled softly and looked at all her teammates with a painful smile on her face.

"Maybe it's more worth it to lose me in this world than to see you all suffer and experience what I don't want you to experience

"Maybe it's more worth it to lose me in this world than to see you all suffer and experience what I don't want you to experience" 

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