{Part~195} practice

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Hi guys! I am here again for the chapter you are all waiting for, I know you are excited about what will happen and I will never forget to wish you a happy new year! so let's start reading!

don't forget to vote!



Author~chan's POV~

"help?" Aomine repeated the word 'help' mentioned by kuroko

he did not know why kuroko was here, because all he knew was that she had returned home with her entire team. but the only thing that surprised him was that kuroko even looked for him to ask for the help she was saying, he noticed that kuroko panted over and over again as if a dog had chased her. but, in fact. he was really nervous when he heard kuroko call him and Akashi even heard all that!

and he thinks Akashi will get even angrier because he hung up the phone without saying anything, and not only that, he might also be jealous because of kuroko, who was looking for Aomine even though she had walked a long way.

Aomine can't do anything but sigh, it's a good thing kuroko doesn't know who Aomine is talking to on the other line, because if she only knew that, Akashi might just order him to give kuroko the phone to talk to her

"you just came here to ask for help? Tetsu, it's too late and dark do you think when you do not see me here you will be safe? what if you meet gangsters there? who will help you ah? you make me worried" Aomine shook his head and approached his girlfriend worriedly

sometimes he really can't help but scold kuroko, he's just really worried, he was right. what if kuroko encounters gangsters or any dangerous person? who will help her?  what is also surprising is that at least one of the members of the Seirin team did not go with kuroko to accompany her, and that is also what makes him angry

it will be noticed that it is dark all around and the hand of the clock will also close at exactly 12:00 midnight, who would not worry if your dearest person is walking alone in the dark and does not know what will happen to her?

Aomine feels he will be so angry that he wants to call Kagami and curse him on the phone over and over again

"and where is Bakagami? he should always be with you, right?. but why did he let you walk in the middle of the night?!" Aomine couldn't help but get angry and grab his dark-blue hair and messed it up

while kuroko, just looked at one of her boyfriends and sighed heavily

"you do not have to worry, and no one will notice me because my presence is low" kuroko replied

low presence? Yes! why doesn't he think that?! he remembered that kuroko's presence was low so others would not notice her!

he immediately raised his head and looked at kuroko weirdly

"ehem, I know" Aomine answered immediately and coughed

"so? what help do you need?" Aomine asked and held one of kuroko's hands

"I wish you could teach me a new style of shooting, and I wish you could accompany me" kuroko replied

Aomine just looked at kuroko again, practice? tonight?

kuroko will practice tonight with him?! with this strength, she still needs to practice? Is she serious?! even if she still fights all the teams involved in the Winter-cup she will still win no matter what happens! and she is strong! even he, Kise or Kagami will not be able to defeat kuroko right away!

and she's good at shooting! then she wants to learn more from Aomine?!

Aomine looked at kuroko as the edge of his lip twitched

"are you serious?" Aomine asked as a vein came out of his forehead

"I'm serious, you know I still have a lot to learn from you. I want you to help me to beat our next opponent tomorrow" kuroko declared and squeezed Aomine's hand

"who is your next opponent?" Aomine asked and his eyebrows furrowed

"Yosen High"


"what the hell did you say?!" Hyuga asked Kagami angrily

they all had a deadly aura behind them as they surrounded their ace who just looked at them with a weird smile on his lip

"kuroko said, she was going to Ahomine and I don't know what else she said, and she just ran immediately" Kagami replied nervously

"why didn't you stop her?!" Riko remarked and grabbed Kagami's collar

"I do not know?" Kagami replied and laughed



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