{Part~78} Hanamiya Makoto

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Hi guys! I'm here again for another chapter! So I won't prolonged it so let's start reading!!!

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Author~chan's POV~


Seirin win's!!

All the Spector's screamed and they all cheered the Seirin team, all of the member of Seirin run to their Phantom and hug her tightly

While Riko look at her players in distance with a smile on her face, a tear in her eyes slid down on her face as she looked at her player's screaming and laughing

She wiped her eyes and chuckle

'Good job guys' she thought, while on the other hand the the Josei team where just standing as they look the Seirin team screaming and laughing while hugging their Phantom

They all lined up and they shook hands to each other, when Narumi shakes hand with kuroko he held Kuroko's hand tightly and look at her beautiful face

while kuroko curiously look at the Josei captain

"Umm...can you let go of my hand?" Asked kuroko in annoyed tone, Narumi blink and he immediately let go kuroko, kuroko just sigh and turned around but before that Narumi grab her shoulder

kuroko look at her shoulder and Narumi curiously, what the hell was wrong with him?

Kagami glare at Narumi as well as others, Kagami was already angry and he didn't know why the captain of Josei is acting weird

"What is it?" Kuroko asked innocently with no expression in her face, Narumi gulped and he just looked at Kuroko's face

Her beautiful face, even if you looked at her in different angled she still beautiful as always even her body, her big chest, her White skin and her curve body that every boys dreaming

It's perfect

"Umm...hello?" Narumi snapped when kuroko wave at him, Narumi looked around and he saw his teammates and the Seirin teams glaring at him, he just gulp and looked back at kuroko

"U-umm....w-what's y-your n-name?" Asked Narumi as he stuttered, kuroko just look at him weirdly and sigh

"Kuroko, kuroko tetsumi" kuroko said and she walked back to her teammates

As kuroko approaching her teammates, Riko immediately run to her and hugged her tightly, kuroko was surprise and he looked at Riko who was hugging her

Kuroko looked at her teammates and she saw all of them smiled at her back, kuroko smile gently and hug Riko back




kuroko was surprised and she immediately look at the other side of the court, she saw a players are already walking out of the court

Why all the spectators screaming and complaining? is something bad happened?

The others also looked to the other side curiously, who are they? why all the spectators screaming in anger, is something bad happened? Did they do something wrong?

"Why they're all screaming?" Hyuga asked with a frown, the other are also asking the same questions

"Yada yada yada!...let's just ignore it and I know all of you are all tired soooo" Riko stop speaking and smiled big at her player's

"Let's just all go back at the locker room and eat!" Shouted Riko in cheerful tone and she held Kuroko's hand

The others just chuckle because of their coach childish, they just all nodded and grabbed their belongings and went out of the court

As they walked in the hallway and many different teams are sitting on the floor while eating or talking happily

Kiyoshi smiled when he saw this, he saw the friendships of the different teams, because he's a angel and always smiling Hyuga saw him smiling weirdly

"Oi daho, why are you smiling like a idiot?" Hyuga ask harshly to his friend, Kiyoshi hummed happily while looking at the different teams

"Aww! I'm just happy because I saw them sitting on the floor while eating and smiling" answered Kiyoshi while pointing at the different teams

Hyuga blink twice and look where Kiyoshi pointing, when he saw he just smiled and sighed

"Do you want to do that too?" Asked Hyuga, Kiyoshi's eyes sparkled and nodded repeatedly, Hyuga smiled

Hyuga approach their coach and he told that if they can all eat on the floor like the other teams do, when Riko agreed Hyuga immediately said to Kiyoshi the good news

As they continue walking and they passed a dark hallway, and Kiyoshi noticed that someone was sitting their

Kiyoshi stopped walking and Hyuga noticed his friend is no longer walking he also stop to and looked at his friend curiously

"Oi...is something wrong?" Hyuga asked worriedly, Kiyoshi looked at him and shook his head

"It's nothing wrong... You guys go ahead I just need to go to the bathroom" Kiyoshi smiled

"h-hai" Hyuga look Kiyoshi one more time and he walked away, when Hyuga where no longer in sight Kiyoshi sigh and went in the dark hallway

"What are you doing here?...Hanamiya?" A guy chuckled and he stood up and approach Kiyoshi

"Your still remember me huh?" Hanamiya chuckled darkly while Kiyoshi was looking at him seriously

Hanamiya stop chuckling when Kiyoshi looking at him, he just sighed and smirk

"You have no fun Kiyoshi" Hanamiya said and frowned, Kiyoshi raised one eyebrow

"What do you want?" Asked Kiyoshi in serious tone, Hanamiya blink twice ang his smirk grew

"What I want?" Hanamiya hummed and a light bulb appeared on the top of his head

"Ah! how about this...I heard that you have a new member from Teiko!...what's her name again? Kuroko Tetsumi?" Kiyoshi's eyes winded in shock as Hanamiya looked at him with a smirk on his face

"Why so shocked?" Hanamiya chuckled again like a crazy, Kiyoshi frowned and gritted his teeth

"What do you want from her?" Hanamiya sigh and approach Kiyoshi closely

"You know when I heard that you have a new member and from the strongest and most popular team ... and a girl! ... and I seem to like her ... she is different from the girls I met who were flirtatious and just wanted to communicate sex ... but she is different from all girls ... and she seems to be the first girl in the world that I like" Hanamiya move closer to his ear and smirk

"I want her" Kiyoshi gasp and back away

Did he heard it right? The bad boy Hanamiya Makoto wants kuroko Tetsumi to be his girlfriend?! Is he playing around?

"Are you joking? If you are...stop it already" Kiyoshi comment, Hanamiya just sigh lazily and walk behind Kiyoshi

"If you don't believed me it's ok...I know that I'm a bad boy...but it doesn't mean that I can't fall in love" Hanamiya look behind him and smirked

"If you don't give her to me...let's just see what will happened Iron heart" Hanamiya laughs and walk away and leave Kiyoshi shocked and stunned
Cliffhanger!! Did you enjoyed guys?! If yes thank you so much!! And wait the next chapter!

Love you all!

{Author~chan OUT!}

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