{Part~34} Seirin vs Kaijo

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this is the second most awaited of you all! ...

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Kuroko's POV~

after Kise-kun left we went back to practice ... everything became serious when Kise-kun left the gym ... especially the coach and Kagami-kun ... and we had to practice seriously because the next day we will have a game with Kaijo

we practice all day ... but the coach also lets us rest ... we have to win tomorrow no matter what...

but I just can't really believe that Kise-kun is taking me to join their team ... but it's too selfish ... I also want him to play with me ... but ... I'm fine with I coach Riko, Kagami-kun and my teammates...we need to rest so we can beat Kaijo in the game...


{time skip tommorow}

"ok! Is everyone here yet?!" coach Riko shouted, my companions looked at each other and Hyuga raised his hand

"um...where is kuroko?" he asked ...

"I'm just here" I answered without expression ... Hyuga jumped in shock

"ok! ... we are leaving!" the coach shouted ... we all nodded and we followed him on the walk ... I walked quietly while kagami-kun was next to me ... I wondered why he was not talking ... I looked at him and I saw his face ... his eyes are red and he has an eyebug under his two eyes...I sighed and looked again at what I was going through

"You didn't sleep well ... did you?" I asked and he glared at me

"Urusai...I was just excited because we will play and then we will fight Kaijo" he answered me ... I shook my head and we continued our walk towards Kaijo


{Time skip in Kaijo} 

we saw the gate of Kaijo and we entered ... the crowd looked at us and whispered...Kagami-kun's face became serious and he clung to me

"isn't she the girl in the magazine" whispered a boy ... I looked where the whisperer was coming from

"yes ... she is beautiful in person" whispered his companion ... I looked at Kagami and he frowned ... I looked at the two boys again and they saw me looking at them ... their faces turned red ... I just sighed and smiled to them a little and waved ... they both fell to the floor ... I just shook my head

"KUROKOCCHI!" someone shouted my name and I looked in front of me and I saw Kise-kun running towards me

"Kise-" Kise ignored the coach and just passed it and stopped in front of me...he brought his face close to mine

"how are you kurokocchi? I miss you!" I looked at him awkwardly and he smiled at me big

"OI! oi! you are so close to kuroko's face!" Izuki shouted while getting angry

"eh! why is it forbidden?" Kise complained and glared at them all

"I went here right away because you might get lost kurokocchi" Kise-kun replied, he immediately grabbed my hand and pulled me away from my teammates...my teammates' eyes twitched and Kise-kun pulled me to the gym as we left my teammates stunned

when I and Kise-kun arrived at the gym, I immediately saw a boy looking at us harshly ... I was surprised and he approached us

"Senpai!..." Kise-kun called the man and he pulled me away suddenly...he pulled me to his captain ... the captain looked at me and Kise-kun

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