{Part~26} K-kagami-kun?

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so I made two chapters today because I didn't have yesterday ... so! enjoy reading and don't forget to vote!


Kuroko's POV~

Kimu and I are now walking back to the gym ... our walk is quiet and no one wants to talk because of what happened...I know I did something wrong to them ... I hurt them ... because of my anger I hurt them...I took a deep breath and I stopped walking ... Kimu also noticed and she also stopped walking

"what is the problem kuro~chan? ..." she asked me worriedly...I smiled fakely at her

"I'm fine ... go to the gym first ... I want to be alone first and be able to think clearly" I answered her ... she nodded and left

"Just call me if there is a problem!" she shouted another and waved at me away ... I waved back and nodded...when she was out of my sight ... I went to the back of the school...when I was in the back ... I saw a sink ... here we take drinking water especially if we practice...I turned on the faucet and I bent down and wet my face with water...

in a few minutes ... I turned off the faucet and stood up properly...I closed my eyes and took a deep breath...I opened my eyes again ... and I'm better now ... just now I get angry like that

"ahh...I was so angry" I wiped my face with my clothes...when I was able to relax properly ... I went back to the gym to tell coach Riko what happened...as I was approaching the gym ... I heard a shout inside...I quickly went to the gym and saw the coach shouting kagami-kun

"K-kagami-kun" I whispered and I approached them while they did not notice me

"why are you here?! ... I thought they were with you!" coach Riko shouted at Kagami-kun

"Ah!...Do you think they are like me?!...I don't care if they change ... for me, basketball is important to me!" Kagami-kun shouted again ... I stared at him as if I was about to cry ... basketball is important to him ... he doesn't care even if others change

"Bakagami!...I thought they were just like you ... you know! ... kuroko-kun was looking for you earlier!...she worries if she changes like everyone else!" coach shouted at Kagami-kun...Kagami-kun's eyes widened and he looked around

"where is she?!..." she asked immediately ... and she looked around,

"umm...kuro~chan says that she will just follow ... and she wants to be alone" Kimu replied and kagami-kun looked at him

"I'm just here" I spoke and they all looked at me

"KURO~CHAN! Are you okay? ... did they hurt you? ... tell us we will punch them!" they immediately asked me a lot while I just looked at them

"I'm fine ... they didn't hurt me ... I was the one who hurt them" I answered and they stopped asking a lot and they looked at me worriedly

"That's right! ... you all go home and the practice is over ... Bakagami and kuroko-kun will be left because we still have something to talk about" coach Riko ordered the others and they all went to the locker to get their belongings

"you two sit on the bench first" coach Riko said calmly to us...we obeyed what he said and we both sat on the bench ... everyone came out of the locker while they were carrying their belongings

"KURO~CHAN! We're going home!" they all shouted and they waved at me ... I smiled a little and I also waved back to them...they all went out to the gym and the three of us were left alone

"so...what happened kuroko? ... I heard something here at school that you slapped Kise and Aomine ... while murasakibara you also slapped and punched," the coach said immediately and she went in front of Kagami-kun and me ... and Kagami-kun looked at me...I looked at the coach and took a deep breath ... I leaned back on the bench and looked at them

"it's true that I hurt them ... because of my anger ..." I answered and coach Riko looked at me seriously

"you should not have done that ... you know the principal can call you because of what you did ... right?" she said to me worriedly

"I just did that ... because ... I want to defend you" I answered again and I looked in the other direction

"You don't have to do that ... do you? ... I'm fine ... as long as someone is still following me, I'm ok there" I looked at her seriously with my eyes ... and suddenly her eyes widened

"kuroko...just calm down" Kagami-kun said to me...I looked at him and his eyes widened as well

"I am calm," I said seriously...I looked at coach Riko again

"Do you know that they just used you ... who wouldn't be angry because of what they did" I answered and her eyes widened

"I know I hurt them ... but why did they do that to you? ... I can't forgive them ... I did it all because of you" I answered again and I looked at Kagami-kun while I did not close my eyes

"do you know all this?" I asked Kagami-kun and tilted my head

"I don't know ... because I don't go with them ... because they have their own worlds" he answered me ... and I looked at coach Riko again and I saw the corner of her eyes with tears

"sorry kuroko-kun ... you did that just because of me ... sorry" she wiped her eyes ...I stood on the bench and approached coach Riko ...

"That's okay coach ... you did everything you could ... so this is what I paid you ... I'm okay to defend you" I said and patted her head...she looked at me and I smiled at her a little

"I will do everything I can to get everything back to normal," I said and she laughed softly

"hai!" she smiled at me again and hugged me...I just smiled and I looked at kagami-kun ... I also smiled at him and he smiled big at me

I will do everything I can to get everything back to normal

I will do everything I can to get everything back to normal

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